Relapse again


New Member
I'm so sorry Nancy. Your story is one that I have followed and hoped with all my heart that this would be *the time*...She sounds like she is aware of her problem and is truly trying to become sober. That's hopeful. It may take many tries..that's what I hear. Lord knows my son keeps trying and trying. And that allows me to hold on to hope. All the best to you and your precious difficult child.


Well-Known Member
Thank you so much for all your encouraging words. We still don't know what happened and probably never will. We just continue to support and encourage her sobriety. I know relapse is part of recovery but it's so darn hard to watch.



Roll With It
You are doing a great job of being a parent to an adult difficult child who is an addict. One thing that I remember my bro telling me was that the milestones like 90 days sober, or 1 yr sober, were such a big deal that just getting close to them really increased the pressure he felt and the temptation to drink. Some of it was having your parents and everyone at AA know that you were having this birthday and wanting to congratulate you and feeling like he did not deserve the congratulations or birthday party etc.... I have heard other speakers at meetings who also talked about this - both addicts and their family members have spoken about it.

Several months after my parents celebrated bro's 6 mo sobriety he told them he had had a relapse and it was only 4 months and he felt lke a horrible person. It was hard for them to work through - mostly for him. They were just glad he was honest.


Well-Known Member
I stopped asking difficult child about her anniversary and decided not to bring it up again. For some reason she can't get past 90 days so I need to respect that and take the pressure off. Hopefully someday she will get there and be proud of herself instead of looking for it from others.



Well-Known Member
Nancy -

I am so sorry and hope that this is just a slight bump on the road. Is this the longest she has been sober? If it is, then it's a victory. If it's not, then you know she is capable of being sober for longer periods of time.

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