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We met with a counselor today on line. The best I know. She was in shock. Let’s see what the attorney says tomorrow. Everyone I know is in shock. I have to keep from vomiting.


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Busy…I keep on thinking about what you said in this thread. Re adopted kids and brain damage in utero. Our daughter found her adopted family. Bipolar on both sides. A LARGE percentage of family members with this. However, they (bio family members) consider her bio mother the sickest in their family by far. Schizophrenia as well. She did some awful stuff. I can’t type it out. AWFUL. The likes of which caused her second baby (our daughter) to be removed instantly upon birth. The bio family, which seems fairly close, doesn’t speak to bio mother and warned her (our daughter) not to as well. Pre natal care? I’m pretty sure there was none. And best guess is there was some harmful behaviors the least of which was eating poorly, no vitamins, and no sleep. The worst of which was likely drugs and alcohol. And I wonder if even being anxious , depressed and angry while pregnant can effect the baby. NO ONE talks about such things.

Squatter case…The attorney meeting yesterday was helpful.


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Nomad, I am happy that the meeting about the squatter case was helpful! Will keep praying!

Nomad, we can't find out much about Kay's birthfamily. This was an overseas adoption and Kay was given up quickly, birthmom did not even name a father...said she didn't know. Birthmother presented no problems to the agency other than getting distracting and stuttering. That's all we know..

But Kay was never right. Either she inherited bad stuff from one or both birthparents or her birthmom drank while pregnant. Something is NOT normal about her. We have tried to find her birthmother with no luck. But I have NO doubt that her birthparents were troubled and passed some things along. I wish I knew more. At least then we would have some understanding of this daughter that we don't understand at all. It almost seems more like she can't make good choices than she won't. School once told us she had an IQ of 85. We believe it. Beyond that, from a very young age, Kay refused to say one word when taken to therapy. She would just sit there mute. That was her defiance. She told us that she was NOT crazy and refused to even speak her name to any therapist. So we have no explanations.

Will continue to pray for your sad situation. Update please.


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Yes. It’s been awful. Very bad. Drama trauma to the max.

Daughter moved back to the previous city she lived in.

A stolen car thrown into the mix (friend of squatters). We have a date (eviction) this time we are 99 percent sure of it. Could be one day off…but probably not. Literally everything is a go. It is in less than a week. Don’t wish to say exactly. Soon…this time fir certain. I’ll report back when I can.


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Yes. This week. Confirmed. Soon I know the date.

I’m in bad shape. Happy but I have days my hands shake.


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Eviction is soon.

Anyway … Last Spring we helped our disabled daughter move to a new city. I have arranged fir a debris removal company. They will take away furniture, garbage , rugs and misc things I can’t repeat. She has seen some things I can and don’t wish to repeat. Sigh. I don’t know if that will be our case. But it very well could be.

After them… I have a cleaning crew coming in.

Meanwhile, we are boarding the back and putting a ring camera in the front that also covers the front window. New locks. A few misc things.

We might have to paint. I have found some misc just in case companies for various things.

Doing our best.

I have good days and bad days. Husband is doing a little better than myself. He has more good days. I tend to have more bad days. A horrid experience.

Daughter still expresses no remorse or regret.

Check squatter update thread , instead of this one. But at some point there will be a brand new one.
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