
New Member
Has anyone tried decreasing some of the medications one at a time to see if he needs all of them? Maybe some decreases could help him with being so tried.


New Member
I could not post cuz I had not gone back to library, but, yeah, I think I would re evaluation the medications under the circumstances. Sounds like a difficult situation to have the schedule so tight and the medications seem to be creating a problem with the schedule. Plus if the medications are leaving him groggy or anything, then yeah, that could increase potential for him to become "hysterical"- cuz he might be too tired, sleepy, fuzzy headed, or whatever to be able to move faster or think clearer.
I am also wondering if even tho abilify is now on board, will there still be some kind of withdrawl symptoms from the zyprexa?
I think right now I still might consider doing a "fun, but relaxing" bath at nite, to save on the stress for morning...and I might also have easy child dry and dress self if easy child is able to do so........

WIshing you good luck!


New Member
Oh hun! I have no real suggestions, as bathtime is a HUGE trigger in our house as well. Our 8 yr old has chanted "I'm too cold" about a billion times while refusing to get out of the tub and dry off. So, I totally feel your pain. Just wanted to pass on some hugs.


New Member
You sound like you are doing a lot to make your child responsible, that it really great. In response to your second statement, you reported you don't have a lot of time for fun or transition, but this may be what he needs, even more that the sleep. Kids, especially sensitive ones, need time to transition, need QUALITY time with parents and sibs. Most folks do have a busy schedule these days, but, (i don't know what your finacial situation is) you may need to consider what is more realistic, more money or increasing your childs life. This is not to sound judgmental, many parents would frown at such a statement, but it is often a reality that many people are willing to address as part of a solution
I know that is not the full solution, not at all, but think about increased time you can give the kids to transition from one chaotic event to another. In all reality, also, take the complitments from the professionals, because they mean it.