Thanks. She had a better day today after I told her I wanted "the mean" Duckie to go away so my little girl could come back because I missed her.
Some interesting things I've noticed since the effects of her treatments have worn off:
*She's not sleeping well
*She's toe-walking, spinning & making hand gestures
*Her tone is flat and loud
*She's playing inappropriately again
*Difficulty with eye contact and social interaction
*Quick to anger & irritable
*Argumentative & disrespectful
*She brought back her imaginary friend, Fava. She actually re-created a physical likeness much like a scarecrow to sit in her room, she used to do this when she was two & three years old
*Sensitive to loud noises and wild-eyed
*Very emotional and lost all sense of independence from me
*Obsessed on a few things (mastering the reading of a few new books & watching Noggin)
It's been a weird week watching my daughter deteriorate in front of me. Very hard. It was like I was watching her slip away from me. Not as bad as everything was in the past, but still there nonetheless. I appreciate the herculean effort she made today after her meltdown yesterday, I know it was very hard for her. But she did it for me. I'm humbled by that. :crying:
Thank you for all the good thoughts and prayers. It will be a long morning, but at least it's not a two day ordeal as in the past.