I'm sorry I only recently saw this and only perused.
My heart aches for you.
As a side note we found a gift card from the local food store that was likely designed for when your child goes to college.
Our D.C. Has one and we have one.
When she appears to have a legitimate /emergency food need we can go to our local food store and put money on our card.
Her card has the same number. It's as if it is shared.
Then she can go get food using her gift card. She always keeps the card and never discards it. You can put a small amount like $10...whatever.
True, the person on the other side could get alcohol or cigarettes. But we have found her to be using it for food. When we have any doubts, I make her send us a photo of the food purchased in her apartment.
If you send a D.C. Cash the probability of them using it for something other than food is relatively high. This reduces that risk significantly.
Just something to consider...don't know if it's available in CA or appropriate for your situation.
Note: Your son wants to be a dependent independent. Omg. Confusing as heck. And sorrowful.
This is why I like solid part time jobs, low rents etc. meet me half way with some of these young people whose issues might be incredibly complicated. No matter what your physical or psychological disability, the great majority of young folks should be able to meet that criteria if they are trying at all. And in time with continued effort and therapy, perhaps they can do more.
But, I'm in a similar yet different boat, as our daughter has not been able to hold down even a PT job. She has been able to work temporary jobs...relatively often. And her disability check pays the rent and basics since her dad is in charge of the funds. Otherwise, it would be a disaster. Little cause and effect reasoning so she might very well spend her money on something silly and forget to pay the rent and be homeless.
I thank the one above that drugs aren't an issue.
When she messes up royally, she absolutely does go to the food bank.
I can't pretend to fully know what you are going through, Copa. This sounds very hard. I just know this D.C. Stuff is freakin gut wrenching and I'm sorry.