The Reveal


Active Member
Never I told you so. We love our kids and can't just cut off our emotions. All of us would do the same thing, that phone call would be too hard to resist. We all need to remember we are human and want to be there for our kids even if they have gone off the rails.


Well-Known Member
Leaf, I am so sorry you are going through this. Please don’t beat yourself up. It’s so hard not to pick up the phone thinking ‘maybe...just maybe...this time will be different.’

I’m all too familiar with that entitlement. They say we owe them ‘unconditional love’ but what they mean is we must do whatever they want, on their schedule. But that’s not love. Love is not slavery. They already KNOW we love them, and they are using that love as a weapon. Do this for me. Give me this. Send me this. Everyone else here has people who (put money on their books/bring them new socks and underwear/pay for phone calls/call their lawyer) what’s wrong with you that you won’t? Don’t you love me enough?

Forgive yourself for being human. You picked up because you love and hope. It hurts because you love.


Well-Known Member

Here ahe is neglecting three kids that she chose to have, ignoring her father before he passed, and doing criminal behavior at an age when you cant excuse youth and she blames YOU. It never ends. Its mean and sick and her way of tryiing to cintrol you.

Leafy, if you must talk ti her, in my opinion its best if YOU take charge. Send back letters. Tell her she can only call on Sunday at 7 and you will hang up the first rime she raises her voice or swears or plain isnt nice. Then do it. Just a suggesrion.

Copa I have followed tour story frim the first. Nobody has done more to help a child or adult chuld than you. He traveled the world, you fought for him in school, you freaken bought him a house! You gave him a good chance for a decent life. All you asked for was decent. How dare he throw psychobabble at you. i would tell you not to read his texts but I know you are smart and dont need to be told.

Why you plan a fun vacation with M. Even.if its just close by at a carnival or an art show? He is always there for you. He is a rock.

We all need our rocks.

G-d bless. Love and light to both of you.

New Leaf

Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, thank you so much again for lifting me up. Sigh.
Ugh, Sorry you answered the phone. Hugs fir you , I know you don;t really need them but I am sending them anyway! I expect a text from mine any day that he needs money. What are we always the ones they want to fix/help with their messes?
Thank you Tired, Hugs are always welcome. I do need them, the support of those who have walked this journey is fortifying. They just know how to get to us, to hurt us and still have this feeling of entitlement. That’s why it’s us. They use our love to try to take advantage of us. That is not acceptable. It’s abusive.

New leaf. Nobody judges you. Anybody would have done as you did. It is all of it on her.
Thank you Copa. I just have to stop saying I won’t pick up, because maybe I will. I think my main goal will be if I do, not to go down the rabbit hole with her ridiculousness.

but inflicted damage via text. How he is traumatized by events involving me.
Ugh. I am so sorry about this. They try to brand us with their own :poop:. We know why this is, finger pointing, so they don’t have to own it, or change. It still hurts.
I replied: look in the mirror. It's you. Not me. And :leave me alone. Adding: I'm blocking you.
Good for you. Stand your ground. Nobody needs to hear that stuff, and our kids do need to look in the mirror. They are so keenly focused on our mistakes and labeling us, they don’t even see the hypocrisy.

And then I worried all night and day he would self harm. I have heard nothing since.
That’s me, catastrophic imagery. But you know, that is what they would have us think. Then, I have to remind myself of my daughters grandiosity. She is probably feeling triumphant at her rant. Like “I told her a thing or two.” I have to hold on to my emotional boundaries, rebuild that wall that protects the heart of me.

let him live his life. Its his not your responsibility. It has not a thing to do with you. Think positive thoughts. He's mad because you are not doing what he wants. Let him live with it. Don't worry. (I am repeating this, because he's right. I want you to feel better.)
M is right. Thank you for sharing his wisdom. When you view it this way, I am able to see it for what it is, an adult tantrum. “I want what I want, when I want it.”

I felt like you do. Stabbed in the heart. And guilty. And angry. At myself
Yup. That’s about the size of it. Sucker punched. My son said “Mom, you are the only one who will answer her calls, and look how she treats you.”

You see. In relation to us they are predators. They are either seeking to consume what we have. Or retaliating if we do not proffer it, without resistance.
There seems to be not one ounce of empathy, just a whole lot of me, me, me. I took my grands to the water park yesterday and witnessed about four kids having meltdowns because it was time to go, or eat. Full on screaming and carrying on. Not a care about how they looked, or sounded. I want, I want, I want. This is my daughter to a “T”. You are right, Copa, they are predators. They have dehumanized us in their minds. We can’t allow ourselves to fall victim to that. To dehumanize and judge ourselves so harshly. To see ourselves through their eyes.

New leaf. Her attack is because you don't go belly up.
I think you are right. It will never be enough. My son said “Mom, maybe if you phrased things differently...... she is probably really sensitive and hurting.” I told him that I should not have to walk on eggshells for any of my kids. That in her case, the only thing that would have sufficed was if I said “Why yes, of course I sent the letter and photos, put money in your account, hired you a lawyer, talked to the PD about supervised release.....” Still, none of that would have been enough.

You are her mark. Or her victim. Either/or.
True. True too, that I cannot allow this.

There is NO possibility if another type of interaction with them. While she is in this mindset.
Equally true.

When will she change? If she stays in jail, I think in 6 months WITH NO CONTACT with you she may be more open.
This is hard to envision. Change. She has been this way for so long now. It seems first nature. Her siblings think she is deranged. They talk to me about her selfishness and defiance, when she was younger. Before the drugs. I still have hope, for her, but.......don’t desire contact with her if she continues on this path. It is too damaging for me. Admittedly.

Meanwhile. It angers me (at her) that you need to justify yourself to her. Why?
Why indeed. She has no clue. Some days, I come home so completely exhausted. I also have no idea what to write to her, not because I don’t know what to say, it would be a book, if I let it all out. Maybe I will write the book, then edit it.

I think you are entirely within the right to restrict contact and set your rules. Which could be: letters, no contact, or whatever else you may need.
I think so too, Copa, if only I could apply that. My own rules. I will try. I find myself swaying from anger, to sadness, to mourning, to forgiveness, to yearning. The whole gamut. How many times do I need her to show me who she is?

I believe she needs to be curbed. But I could be assessing this thru the lens of my own child.
This has been my intention, but my knee jerk reaction is to pick up. I have to work on this.

You are doing life, she is not. Unconditional love does not mean anyone should take crap and fulfill demands from someone else.
Right? I have always balked at that term. Unconditional love, but, she is putting conditions on me.

I wonder what she would say to you if you told her you needed unconditional love and to stop acting like an ass towards you.
I had to chuckle at this. She is so caught up in her own brought upon misery, she can’t see her own actions. This has been her way for quite some time. Like the tantrum throwing kids at the water park.

What a (ahem...jerk).
She is a jerk, Albie. I just want to tell her “What do you think your kids will have to say about your mothering, or lack of?”

She's like a cornered animal. She can't shunt her emotions with substances or wild them away, so she has no choice but to start to process her (ahem...stuff).
This is true, but, it has been her way for years now. She will shout over anyone who doesn’t respond to her liking, storm out screaming. I don’t know if it is the drugs, or she has some serious mental issues. She definitely has a hard time putting herself in other people’s shoes, or listening to truths she does not want to acknowledge.

I'm so sorry for the way she drew blood. It's terrible and uncalled for and a cheap shot, discounting your loss that way.
It was a cheap shot. Her lack of respect and empathy precedes her. I realize it is hard to lose a parent. But to hold that over a grieving mother. It’s a low blow. If she only knew her part in Hubs demise. How utterly depressed he was at her and her sisters choices. It feels horrible to write this, but it is true.
To come from his background and work so hard to provide better for his own children, only to witness them sink below the levels he endured.It pained him deeply. I was thinking that she paints this picture of me as cold and heartless, I know I am neither of the two. It suits her purpose, to try to draw me in and deflect her own responsibility.
She's starting to grieve, and to acknowledge. Quite inappropriately and directed at whomever is unlucky enough to be in the line of fire, but it's a start. I fervently hope she let a little light in with her outburst. Maybe some of her darkness can be dispelled.
This is probably so, but it has been her default button ( or in her case, every one else’s fault) to lash out at anyone in her line of fire, her own kids included.

In the meantime, you would be well within your rights not to take any calls from her for quite awhile.
I think so too. I have to resist the temptation. Sigh. It takes effort to work through the hurt. Even if I can rationalize that it is the addict speaking.

We all need to remember we are human and want to be there for our kids even if they have gone off the rails.
Thank you CTM.

It’s so hard not to pick up the phone thinking ‘maybe...just maybe...this time will be different.’
It is so hard. I do worry that she has no one.
They say we owe them ‘unconditional love’ but what they mean is we must do whatever they want, on their schedule
That is exactly what she means. Too bad.

Love is not slavery. They already KNOW we love them, and they are using that love as a weapon.
I have to remind myself that she knows I love her. Not fall prey to her demands and tantrums that insinuate I don’t. It is a goading to get me to fall in to the trap.
Forgive yourself for being human. You picked up because you love and hope. It hurts because you love
Thank you Elsi. This is so true.
I think of my own mom, so far away and frail. I would never treat her so disrespectfully. I am dealing with a totally different mindset with Tornado. She has to learn better and want to do better. She is as Re put, feral. Lashing out at anyone who stands . Biting the hand that feeds her. No humility, or ability to see her own responsibility in her choices and consequences.
Thanks everybody for being so very kind and supportive. My lifeline to sanity.


Well-Known Member
Her siblings think she is deranged. They talk to me about her selfishness and defiance, when she was younger. Before the drugs.
New Leaf. The world is full of people who as children were insufferable monsters, who change to become human.

There is no reason whatsoever why she cannot become one of them. Monster is not hard-wired in the human brain. Actually, I believe that love is.

She could change. But it will have not one thing to do with what you or anybody else does for her.

As far as writing a book...why not? We could support each other.

New Leaf

Well-Known Member
New Leaf. The world is full of people who as children were insufferable monsters, who change to become human.
Thank you Copa, I always saw her as headstrong which is a good thing when applied correctly.
It never ends. Its mean and sick and her way of tryiing to cintrol you.
She is lashing out as usual. It is unfortunately typical Tornado. When she does not get her way, that is her way.
Leafy, if you must talk ti her, in my opinion its best if YOU take charge. Send back letters. Tell her she can only call on Sunday at 7 and you will hang up the first rime she raises her voice or swears or plain isnt nice. Then do it. Just a suggesrion.
Thank you Swot, it is a good suggestion.

You gave him a good chance for a decent life. All you asked for was decent. How dare he throw psychobabble at you. i would tell you not to read his texts but I know you are smart and dont need to be told.
I agree.

Why you plan a fun vacation with M. Even.if its just close by at a carnival or an art show? He is always there for you. He is a rock.
M is a rock. I am glad that you have him by your side. I think a fun break is an excellent idea.
G-d bless. Love and light to both of you.
Thank you Swot, God bless you as well.

As far as writing a book...why not? We could support each other.
I was thinking to myself on my walk today, Leafy, you have written a book, journaled for three years on these pages. What I was writing about a “book” would be my letter to her. There is so much to say, and I would go overboard, for sure. There is no use in that, she is not ready to read it. That’s what I think. So I would have to measure my words carefully, because for the most part, she has twisted whatever I have said to her, even in the most cautious, trying to put myself in her shoes sense. For now, keeping it short and simple is the way to go.
On another note, there is a huge catagory four (almost a five) hurricane bearing down towards the islands. I am praying that it weakens and changes course, but the forecast is not good and we have to prepare for the worst. If I don’t post for a few days, that is why. The stores are packed with shoppers buying up supplies. The scary part is that everything is shipped here. It is hard going off to work when I just want to stay home and batten down the hatches.
Please keep Hawaii in your prayers dear friends.
((( Hugs)))


Well-Known Member
there is a huge catagory four (almost a five) hurricane bearing down towards the islands.
Oh Wow New Leaf. I did not know. I will go look right now. Do I know what island you are on? I don't remember. Do you have enough in the house?

I have been thinking of emergency preparedness lately, since learning that Russia, apparently, has entered into our grid, and could disrupt power, water, etc. at will. But this is not a category 4/5 hurricane with the possibility to arrive imminently.

I know you meant you could write a book, to your daughter. But I meant what I said. Why not write a book? We could be a support system.

Be safe, New Leaf.

New Leaf

Well-Known Member
I know you meant you could write a book, to your daughter. But I meant what I said. Why not write a book? We could be a support system.
I have thought about this more than once, to describe what we go through with kids off the rails. The despair and heartache of it, the learning we have to go through and wondering if what we are doing is right, when it all feels so awful. There is a need, I feel, to show how devastating it is from our eyes and hearts. Or, maybe that’s just me, wanting my daughters to know that it has been an excruciating journey for me, watching them drift further and further away from themselves, and away from us. Knowing that I have no power over their choices. Knowing that they do have it within themselves to do better.
It is tantamount to this approaching storm. We are told to prepare for power outages and landslides from torrential downpours, upwards of 20 inches of rain. We live on Oahu, Copa, densely populated and dependent on shipping. They are closing ports and people are rushing to stores and depleting supplies. But really, how much preparation can one do?
I live in a forested area with huge 100 plus year old trees. We have had experience with landslides. Lost ten years of planting in one fell swoop. Have you ever heard a huge tree twist and snap in the wind? It sounds like a bomb exploding. We have a small one lane road, surrounded by tall trees. A river running right through our valley. The last huge rain event, it went from a trickle, to a raging torrent in no time. Huge boulders crashing from upstream, a thunderous cascade.
I have to decide a plan for evacuating, pack bags, have enough provisions for two weeks. Figure out if I should pack my truck and get “out of Dodge”, park it down on the main road, because if a tree goes down and blocks the road, I am stuck.
It is an enormous task just to ponder the what ifs. I went off to work this morning, thinking that I need to be home and take care of essentials.
I am trying to remain calm and hopeful that the storm weakens, yet be ready for worst case scenario.
It is an awful feeling.
Yet, I have no control over Mother Nature.

Yes, this is just like dealing with our wayward adult kids. The angst.
We will know by Wednesday night, what to expect. I think. The latest trajectory has Hurricane Lane headed to hit the island chain. Even if it veers, it is so huge that the outer most parts are going to inflict damage.
Sorry, I am a bit hysterical.
Be safe, New Leaf.
Thank you Copa. I am waiting for my daughter to come home so we can formulate our plan. Better to be as much prepared as possible.
Prayers are needed for Hawaii.
Thank you all.

Deni D

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
Staff member
It looks like quite a storm. You and the rest of Hawaii are in my prayers, Leafy.

I’m also praying for you and all of Hawaii. I was without power for three weeks from the winds from a hurricane years ago. It took a left hand turn and came further inland than they normally do. So many trees and telephone polls were down for the first couple of days people couldn’t get out of areas. I hope you have somewhere to go where there is a generator and enough fuel. The good thing was no one I knew was hurt, and that made all of the difference, we were grateful to be okay and just dealt with the rest.

There is a need, I feel, to show how devastating it is from our eyes and hearts.

I’m not good at putting my thoughts into writing. So many times what people have written here resonates with me to my core. But I couldn’t have written those words. I don’t know if people who are not in our situations would want to read about it. But I have a feeling there are many of us who would benefit from giving our silent suffering a voice.

New Leaf

Well-Known Member
I have my personal papers in a portable file. I think I will take them to my office tomorrow. One less thing to worry about. I have water bottles and canned goods by the door, ready to load. Will pack clothes and blankets, flashlights and phone chargers. I have to figure out a plan for my dog and the little rescue kitty we just acquired.
I will leave the house if the winds are projected over 50. I have been through that, it is so scary and the risk is too great for a tree to topple on my home. There will be news of shelters opening, which ones accept animals. My sister in law has offered her place. I don’t want to leave if not necessary, I do worry about looters, given the meth houses in my area.
But, life is worth more than property.
It is eerily calm now. There is still hope the storm will veer into a better direction, but warnings and watches predict at the least, tropical storm conditions, winds at 40 with 70 gusts.
It is a wait and see.
And lots of prayer.
Yup, lots to deal with, the false alarm of imminent nuclear missles. There is a video of a man putting his kids into a storm drain. It was a drill gone wrong, that’s what they said. It took 45 agonizing minutes for the all clear. But......there were similar things that happened in other areas, which makes me think the system was hacked. I think there is alot going on that we have no idea about.
No control. There are many things in life we have no control over. I am reminded of Recovering, who went on vacation as wildfires loomed near her home. What can we do sometimes but breathe and do our best to live in each moment?
I am waiting to see what the 10 pm news says. We should know much more tomorrow night.
My quote thingee won’t work again.
You are right Copa, there is not much more to be done, but prepare as best can and heed authorities. Stay calm and present.
I might also be called upon as a first responder, now that is a whole different chapter!
When it rains, it pours, if you will pardon the pun.
Thank you Copa for your prayers.

New Leaf

Well-Known Member
Thank you Elsi, I am up way too early, sleep evades me. Just praying that this storm veers away. That is all I can do for now, and try to prepare........


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Leafy, I am praying for you..... and all of Hawaii.....which is going through enough without a hurricane. We were on Kauai a few years ago with a hurricane/evacuation warning.......we bought water and supplies and waited while the winds picked up, it was scary, but thankfully it was downgraded to a tropical storm as we were preparing to go to the shelter. I'm so hoping that happens with this hurricane too.

I'm so sorry you are experiencing this in addition to the full plate you already is throwing you a bunch of curve balls right now.....I know how that goes......hang in there Leafy, there are many of us here praying for you and holding you close in our hearts.....

Many hugs coming your way Leafy....

Please keep us posted about the hurricane....


Well-Known Member
Praying for Hawaii. Lived there as a kid in Pearl City and Ewa Beach (Navy brat). How long ago? I remember the fireworks when Hawaii became a state.

New Leaf

Well-Known Member
Thank you DoneDad. You would hardly recognize it now, lots of development. Fireworks are still a huge thing here, even with regulation and permit requirements.
Looks like the storm just might veer away. Hoping it does.

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