The Reveal

New Leaf

Well-Known Member
I'm so sorry you are experiencing this in addition to the full plate you already is throwing you a bunch of curve balls right now.....I know how that goes......hang in there Leafy, there are many of us here praying for you and holding you close in our hearts.....
Thank you Re. When it rains it pours. Just trying to stay steady state and ride it all out. I am so blessed to have the good teaching from my parents instilled. Got to stay tough and prepare. Off to work first, then it’s batten the hatches.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support. It means more than you will ever know.

Snow White

On the Mad Tea Party Ride
Sending you lots of cyber prayers and hugs. Really hoping that this "blows over" (to quote another pun).

I might also be called upon as a first responder, now that is a whole different chapter!
When it rains, it pours, if you will pardon the pun.
You might be going from trying to "rescue" children to rescuing children and adults from a disaster of another kind. So kind that you will consider offering your services in the face of a disaster, especially at a time when you are already feeling tired and weak.

New Leaf

Well-Known Member
Hi all thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. I am okay. We will have a busy day tomorrow securing things outside that could become missiles in the wind. Have enough supplies, I think. It is a wait and see. The storm has stalled a bit, and is moving slowly with winds at 145. The biggest issue is the rain, they are projecting up to two inches an hour, possibly culminating to 20 inches. So far, Lane is heading to hit Oahu. But, it can still have a chance to veer west and further away. The problem is that the storm is huge and even if it skirts the island there will be high winds. All we can do is prepare and pray for Lane to keep heading west, for the wind shear to break it apart. I went to Sam’s club and they have run out of bottled water. More to come in the morning.
The government has closed schools across the state and is shutting down bus and handivan service, closing office buildings and only requiring essential personnel so people can get ready for the storm. The weather is deceivingly calm.
Will try and get some sleep so I have energy to do what I have to do. Hopefully, we will not be walloped with the full force of this beast. For now, it is projected to hit Oahu by Friday afternoon.
One day at a time.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I will be thinking of you Leafy, saying prayers for you and your family and for all those who may be in harms way.....
Prayers also that Lane veers left, far away from Oahu.


Well-Known Member
I went to Sam’s club and they have run out of bottled water. More to come in the morning.

You probably know this, but around here when there's serious weather we've been known to fill every available vessel with tap water, including the bath tubs, just in case. Pots, pans, pitchers, etc. can get filled to tide you over. Big hugs and prayers to you and your loved ones.

New Leaf

Well-Known Member
Thank you all, yes, Lil,, we will be filling our tubs when the time comes. I have a lot of big bottles to fill as well, and clean rubbish cans.
I will be offline for awhile, to make ready.
I so appreciate all of your prayers, support and suggestions.
It is still eerily calm here. I am trying to match that.........inwardly and outwardly.
Steady state. Panic is not our friend, thoughtful preparation is. One can only do so much.........
Love and hugs

New Leaf

Well-Known Member
Hi Lil, Re, TL, Copa, Albie and all. Thanks so much for your love, support and concern. Prayers are working as Lane has been downgraded to category two. Still dangerous winds and crawling ever so slowly near the island chain. Big Island took a hit with rain and flooding. Maui has lots of wind, huge fires, first in Lahaina, then Kaanapali. We are getting intermittent rain and wind gusts, seems to be building, full affect supposed to start late afternoon, so we are resting up in case we have to be on the move.
Yesterday they had the sirens go off at 4:00 pm to alert people that shelters were open. Of course the local news is reporting on the areas badly hit and that can be nerve wracking to watch. Son and I are snug for now at home, Hoku and baby went to dads grandmas apartment to ride out the storm in a safer area.
The anticipation is ......exhausting! I must admit. Being on high alert while trying to remain calm, is a battle of polar opposites. I woke up with my neck in knots, so much for being inwardly calm. I would have some wine, but I don’t want to chill out too much and be zombied when the real stuff comes.
I have promised myself a massage after it blows over.
I did manage to write Tornado a short note telling her I love her and know she is capable of great things. Now to look for a few photos.
Thank you again for your thoughts and prayers.


100% better than I was but not at 100% yet
I have been busy at work - which is where I access CD. So can't read all right now.

Praying for you during the storm Leafy!

I think I said when I first met you that your posts are poetic and YES YES you should definitely write a book! Maybe when your son graduates and you have more time... I think it would be a best seller and help so.many.people like us!


Long road but the path ahead holds hope.
Hi Leafy

I am late to this post and just catching up.
I think the big exercise here is to try as best can, not to make it our suffering? Maybe that is why we bend over backwards to try to “help”, because if our adult kids would just get on a good track, we would be more at ease. I think that is where they get to us, they must know how it pains us.
I am late to this post and just catching up.

Oh my dear leafy I’ve had a lot of hurt and had searching so grinding moments of late. Wondering a lot about the situations in my life and what they’re meant to be teaching me. I’m exhausted myself with emotion and I have turned to some of the Buddhist learnings from Pima children to try and manage my emotional state around these occurrences. And one teaching she states to stop the story step back and identify the emotions. And leafy you’re hundred percent right we have to recognize her emotions address our emotions and manager emotions and then put ourselves back into the scenario that we’re looking at and recognize what is and isn’t ours what does and doesn’t belong to us. And in that process I somehow find myself more at peace.
It’s incredible to me, As a matter of fact it’s mind-boggling that we identify so much of our addictted loved one’s behaviour from each other‘s posts that we could almost healed them out and replace the name of who were reading about what’s the name of our very own child and nothing else would stay the same the dynamic is completely different globally. And this is where we have to step back and name the behaviour addiction we love our children we need to see beyond that addiction. We need to see beyond the manipulation of that addiction and we need to know that while they allow themselves to remain in the grips of that addiction then we must protect ourselves. Mentor I need to read this statement anytime I feel like I’ve lost My own mind over the craziness and Mayham that surrounds addiction.

So many wise comments so much information and support have already been placed within this post, I truly don’t have much more to add.

Hang in there my dear leafy you were a good kind and wonderful soul. We have been given these lessons in life for a reason I sure as Hades don’t know what that reason is yet but I’m pretty excited to find out what it is. Hang in there my dear leafy you were good kind and wonderful soul. We have been given these lessons in life for reason I sure as Hades don’t know what that reason is yet but I’m pretty excited to find out what it is it’s got to be something good.

Mad is good I think that when I am in the wallows of guilt I am much more vulnerable when I get angry is when my mother bear comes out to protect me and myself from the addict and the attic’s behavior. Stay mad for a little while leafy get that protection bubble up.

And for the love of all of us give yourself a break for answering the phone. I don’t like I was rescuing someone from the trauma every time the phone rang once my son was in rehab full well knowing that the on slot of miserableness would still be using out of him yet I still ran to answer. We all only do what our hearts can bear it’s not right or wrong it just is and then we liquor want to move forward and set boundaries and barriers as best we can.
When you mentioned her comments about your husband passing the acid in my mind wanted to shout out and we are were you when he was dying how much of a burden number you want everyone else while he was dying where were you when your father needed you? But again my higher power knows that engaging at that level is satisfaction for a fleeting second and just engaging in negative drama and draining.

Be good and kind to yourself my wise friend at some point someday somewhere sometime I know we will all be resonating with knowledge and a huge ha ha so this is what these life lessons for us we’re truly all about.
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