Buddy, are you sure our boys aren't cosmic twins (I have the biological kind already LOL)? What you described is EXACTLY how difficult child 1 is acting and the words he is saying are identical.
Millions of {{{{(((HUGS)))}}}} to you (I know that still isn't enough)
I'm thinking so, you didn't really have triplets (this one is AA/Hispanic???) and give one away? Would be funny if your kids are AA/Hisp too...I would die laughing.
so you go the mouth guard (funny I didn't tell you mine puts things in his mouth too, chews everything and that was a challenge for the braces, glad they are off now and his teeth look great) and I brought a word search because of the soduko stuff (duh) and they gave him the whole book . they have let him call but he only wants to to get stuff from me. He realized he missed Nascar so got really mad at me. I asked them to be with us when we visit because he has had "good" for him... behavior with them but is so mad at me he threw crayons the first time I was there but then he threw a kleenex box at me and fake kicked me the second time (after the mc donalds of course...sigh. ) They have adapted teh color system for him and are trying to reward every good second. He has a one on one most of the time. One nurse was kind and the first to actually talk to me. He said I could take a break and not come there, he would call and I laughed...first off... on Mon, the docs are supposed to be there... now, If it was a different situation and he had some of the conduct issues that are there, I totally understand the need for a parent to take a break. This kid already has attachment insecurity. No way I wont show up. but he was just trying to be nice I suppose. I dont stay and pressure difficult child to visit, just let him know i am there and love him and when I see sign of stress I say bye till next visit time. I dont want to trigger him at all since he is just settling down. the other nurse is super condescending. I asked if difficult child got the third dose of clonidine. (they said his pulse was up and they were worried, I asked about his blood pressure, also up...YIKES...I discussed this last night). His neuro is concerned. he promised he woudl discuss it at report tomorrow morning and get it straightened out. HE BETTER. I am going to check first thing. I asked them to check him lots during the night.
TeDo, I wish we were together and could sit in the parent rooms and be a a CD-site force together. I am much more comfortable with this setting tonight. It is these times that I wish I wasn't single. Other times, not a big deal, but this is pretty lonely even though my family is checking in, not the same as someone to help with the legal and forever responsibility of loving him and making the right parenting choices. They do seem very good to the kids. For not being Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) savvy and certainly not Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) trained, they are willing to learn and all knew where the color zone book is and said they had read it, even the techs. I typed a list of triggers and sensory issues. I also typed a list of what works with him for behavior work...they described several situations that seemed they handled it ok. since this morning...but I am sure I dont know everything. TeDo, Are they reporting to you each time he gets a prn medication and if they have to use a conditional procedure? difficult child only had the huge upset last night...no prn ativan today at all. No locked room. One social worker called me when I was out in between the visit hours and told me she was just checking in to see if I have questions... and at the end she said i am the kind of parent she likes to work with. I am a little out of my element because I go to every appointment with difficult child and it just feels wrong to leave him. That was nice to hear because they dont really have time to talk there, that's ok, they are focused on the kids. But it makes me wonder if they think I am psycho mommy checking every little detail with them. How are you communicating with the staff? Any hints? I think it is hard to figure out who to talk to there...they dont introduce themselves in terms of who is working with him specifically sometimes. tonight the two guys finally did. They keep talking about family therapy...really??? been there done that huge waste of time. But they will see. I do think they can help with explaining the new house rules with a new safety plan. He needs to be clear when I will call for help because I think he is worried that for every single thing he does, I wlll do that and he is really scared. He thinks he only pretended to hurt me...doesn't remember any of the stuff except throwing a rock...I picked up 6 that went thru my door when I looked out to check on him! Does your son remember the incident?
Does he feel safe at all? Can he sleep there? I added him to my prayers of course and tonight at my sisters house we also included him in dinner prayer with our guy.
I shared with my sisters that I was feeling a little better because of a site for kids with special needs. (well, not that I dont feel They think it is great and I said the world just doesn't know how many of us there are out here....so they send their caring thoughts. (they dont know the name of the site, I want to feel free to share anything, smile)