By her choice, I see her letting her child our own mind...accepting what is without finding fault, blame or responsibility. Letting the solution be the responsibility of the universe, her higher power, or her child. But not operating with the illusion that anything in our own mentality can effect one thing outside of ourselves.
There must come a time through all of this Copa, where there is...acceptance. After all of the stages of grief over this loss, a certain acceptance.
The hardest part to deal with, is there is seemingly no end to this. It just keeps going on, and on. A new situation, something else to ruminate over. So we work very, very hard to try and be prepared for the next phone call or visit, and the rug is pulled from beneath us again.
We have detached in the physical sense, our d cs are not living with us,
but they still occupy a large part of our hearts and minds.
If I give in and say, it is not your fault, son. You work it out Take responsibility or not. Change or do not. Live as you will. And let the emotion of it go. Breathe in. Breathe out.
Deal with him only when he calls. Or I do. Make choices based upon my own welfare and convenience and feelings. No obligation except to tell the truth about why and how and when.
Yes. What else is left to do? What
can we do?
Our children became our whole world to us, when they were babes, it is a natural thing. We were meant to nurture them, to train them and then, we were meant to give them their wings and let them go.
We let them go to
live productive lives.
Something happened, our kids failed to launch, did it call back the intensity of those feelings, that we would give up our lives to help them, even as they became adults?
We would spend every waking moment fretting and wringing our hands, giving up what life we have left in us?
What for? Is our fretting and wringing our hands helping our d cs?
I ask myself how this feels. It feels
thank you.
Where does all the love go?
It does feel
. We are high achievers, aren't we? There must be something we can do, anything. I would like to hold on to the thought of Viktor Frankl, that our children are out there, searching for their meaning in life. It is not the path we would have them on, but they are searching, just the same. I will hold on to that thought, that there is a hope for them to see their potentiality. That is where my love has to go. Otherwise, I will have given up. I will not give up, but I will
give in to the fact that I have no control over their choices. I only have control over what I choose, what I do.
As we all do.
Thinking and ruminating and holding and giving responsibility seems to be the only way I can hold and feel my love for him now when everything else seems unsafe. Is unsafe.
It is like giving a party and nobody came.
Copa, forgive me, but you are describing codependency. I see it in
myself. It is part of being a wounded child. We learned that we did not matter. That feeling continues with us. I am going to read more about it. I hate labels, but if I cannot find a life for myself, outside of what my children are doing, then something is not right.
I think the work in FOO, is very important in this. Understanding that I was raised in a difficult situation and I grew up
believing that I did not matter.
How do we fill the void? My heart got so big loving my son....M occupies a different chamber. Even self love can only go so far.
Self love is the catalyst for everything else.
Love is the key, but if we don't love ourselves enough, we cannot love others. We cannot give from empty.
Perhaps the void has been there all along?
The void was that we didn't love ourselves enough in the first place?
I have gotten over the shame of it. That something is wrong with me. That I caused it. Did something wrong. Let something show. The ruminating you go through about just what is it about you that caused him to leave, to back out. I must have done something. What I call the out damn spot feeling.
But, Copa, he was supposed to leave. He is an adult. Are you feeling this way, as an abandonment issue, or is it more that he abandoned himself? I feel bereft over my two's
self abandonment. Perhaps, it is less painful for me, because I have other children?
Your son, is your only child. He was your world and heart, as you described. He awoke you with a sleeping beauty's kiss. It was a bright new future for you, and him.
He filled up an empty space that was already there.
In your son, you felt whole, fulfilled.
I felt the same with my children. I was always looking for someone to give my love to, and love me back. I was broken all along, because I did not love myself enough. I did not know it, but I see it now. I have always over extended, I have been a rug for many years, giving of myself in volunteering, helping others, sometimes to my own detriment.
How does one love without attachment, that is the question. I do not know. I have never known how.
I have gratitude. I have love. I do not have peace. I cannot let it be. I do not know how.
We must learn to love ourselves, Copa.
We must learn to love ourselves.
We were not taught that.
You were the protector, the champion.
Now you must be a champion for
It must start with letting go, then a shifting of focus.
We do not know how to do this, it feels awkward and self serving.
It is not.
We have to know how to live our lives differently, for ourselves.
We are on the threshold.
It feels strange.
Especially during these holidays when that Norman Rockwell dinner doesn't happen, we are drawn back into the cycle, of wanting that. Wondering why we don't have it. Trying to figure out how to have it.
When the reality is,
it is what it is.
There is no going back, changing, rearranging, there is only forward.
We can look back to review the lesson, but we cannot change anything.
If we know that we were not taught to love ourselves,
and we recognize this, the only thing left to do, is to learn how.
We are out of the cocoon, drying our wings in the dappled sunlight.
Contemplating how it may feel to fly.
One day, we will fly.
One day soon, we will fly.