Making allowance that my experiences date back to mostly the 70s, I have encountered a few drugs that I KNEW I would become addicted to if I countinued to use them.
Heroin, which I tried twice,sniffed once and smoked once.
Secobarbital (Red Devils) Also called Seconal.
Opium. Smoked several times. Loved it. It's still my favorite opiate, but I'd never smoke it again.
I have done Black Beauties and White cross. They served their purpose, but I don't like the high.
Never did meth. THAT was the drug we freaks were all scared to death of back then.
Last time I used was in 82, shortly after my husband shipped off to boot camp. I am interested in trying the modern MJ if it ever becomes legal in WI.
That said, I am studying to bring my info up to date and learn about the RCs and other drugs around now, plus the herbals like kratom, ayahuasca, etc.
Having you here is fantastic as you are modern, and you've survived getting off of drugs. I'm more like a textbook.
Secobarbital is a barbituate, yeah? I have done barbituates, but not that one. And only to help me during withdrawal. My drug of choice was oxycodone. In any form, but preferably the 30mg IR tablets. Was at 330-360mg a day at my worst. I have tried just about every drug popular today. Did mushrooms a few times. Acid once, and that was MORE than enough. Not an experience I regret, just not one I need to repeat. Tried meth one time. Smoked heroin a couple of times. Did benzos when out of other stuff. Even did LSA. Not sure if you know of that one, but holy

. It is found in many common house plants, most notably Morning Glory. It is one of the main ingredients in LSD, acid. It is essentially unrefined, natural acid. You have to eat a ridiculous amount of seeds. Which will make you vomit like never before. After that, though, you are in for a hell of a 8hours.
Experimented with kratom. Felt nothing, regardless of the dose. Most likely due to my insane tolerance to actual opiates, and sedatives. Smoked the k2 spice stuff during some withdrawals. Tastes awful, and doesn't last long. Ayahuasca is a hallucinogenic, yeah? If it is what I think it is, I have done that, too. Tried salvia a few times. That's stuff is a real trip.
But, I have had enough of the mind altering substances. Since finishing my Suboxone treatment, I have only drank a handful of times. Apart from that, I enjoy keeping my mind clear. Something it hadn't been for years prior to this. The only substance I truly regret were opiates, though. The only one I ever had any real problem with. Due to how much more I liked it than everything else. I made a point not to start gambling. And I live in Reno, NV. I have a very addictive personality, and I figured I was ruining my life just fine without gambling. Twin sister is a problem gambler, though.
It's good to have you here, though. Most of the other active members' experience with drugs is mostly through their children, and not first person.