This is a picture of my mother. Oh look, everyone. There I am, too.
This picture of us in relation to our mothers (and the position our sisters are operating from now) is from a musical made of the children's book Matilda. There is also a movie of Matilda. The parents are Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlmann. If the shoe fits, it may turn out to have been Cinderella's Red Slipper that Dorothy realized had been hers, all along.
This is not about validating each other. It is not in its essence about supporting each other. It is about knowing ourselves. So that we can manifest power, not for a career, not for domination, not for competition, not for resistance, but power to be who we can be, as manifestations of G-d and nature, our own.
Beautiful, Copa.
An unfolding, like the opening of the Rose.
The Little Prince.
Three volcanoes, and a Rose.
Id, Ego, Superego and...what we create of what is through love and protection and faith.
Good for them. I wish I had had the courage and sense of safety to do the same. I had the capacity but it was turned against myself. How I wish I could have been a little bit mean and a little bit controlling. And how I wish that I had appraised my power sufficient to, and my parents amenable to my manipulation in my world.
Courage and sense of safety.
Courage, I think we have. It is our own belief systems that are doing us in ~ and this was so, all along. A sense of safety...that is a concept worth exploring. That is what Dolly too needed to recover herself. Whatever it was that she needed to do to externalize the fear of what happened to her and make it a concrete thing (her horror of the closed crate) was supported, was not too large a sacrifice, was not turned into a battle of will. The Dolly that would be was loved. Her people knew who she was. Dolly had no way of knowing who she was, who and how she was meant to be.
"Just don't think, Cedar." "Don't you dare."
The words spoken with such snarling contempt.
Imagine the words, the tones, spoken over Dolly. Imagine what kindness felt like, to her. Imagine what it meant to know the door was open.
Imagine beginning to trust, and having that validated.
Her people held faith with her, for her. You all believed for her that she would become what she had been cheated and hurt out of being ~ her own nature! The rest was an unfolding of who Dolly always was, of who she was born to be.
And had been. Until the bad things happened.
So there were two things that went into Dolly's recovery and flowering: Who Dolly intrinsically was, and...unshakable faith in who Dolly intrinsically was. Dolly did not have to cope, as we do, with a limiting belief system about her own worth. Part of our recovering ourselves then will be to sit with the feelings, choosing painfully real over the patina of role.
We will have seen inappropriate twisting and re-channeling of everything that matters. Imagine the energies we will have turned against ourselves to refuse to hurt the others. Imagine what it meant, to choose kind, instead.
To choose slave.
In a way, it is like those experiments in which electric shocks could be given.
Some become guards.
Some, prisoners. Roles were taken on and acted out on and never forgotten. Long after the experiment was past, those roles and what was taught and learned, still not forgotten.
We lived a version of that. Unlike the college student volunteers (or the brainwashed and terrified prisoner of war) there was no going home, for us. We were home.
Is that why confident self reclamation is so difficult.
Who will believe in us as you believed, for Dolly.
Because we have refused to pattern after the abuser, but without a way to know how to be without being the abuser, we are too cautious; too afraid of the roaring grandiosity we have been victimized by ~ too certain that it lives within us. Dolly does not distrust her essential nature. Because we have seen what we have seen, we do. We do not want to be our Mothers. (Or whatever abuser it was, for us.) Leafy, you are exploring sensitivity. There are kinds of sensitivity having nothing to do with victimization and everything to do with predation. And the answer can only be: Certain things I will not do.
Like Martin Luther: "Here I stand. I can do no other." He risked being labeled heretic for that, and he was labeled heretic.
But he believed in himself; he could do no other.
Maybe, that is what we are doing, here. maybe, that is the thing we are afraid of, and not our Mothers (or our Sisters) at all.
Here is something healing, a concept to consider as a goal. I ran across it yesterday somewhere. I have not been able to stop thinking about it:
Imagine reaching that place where we laugh at the things we suffer for today.
It was something like that. And I know that is what it will be once we are healed. There will be parts of us, as there are now, where we will be surprised to remember the intensity of feeling involved when we first took our courage in both hands and determined to clear this material from our pasts.
My sister is very, very confident. In fact, she manifests the confidence of superiority. A superiority she has cultivated and has paid for with her integrity, I believe.
You could be right Copa, but I think the sisters are bluffing. They seem to me to be not confident so much as flabbergasted that the more they expect, the more people fall into the expected patterns of behavior. My sister, somehow cajoling money ~ an appreciable amount of money, too ~ from a fellow passenger on an airplane trip. There was a reason for that, and a game was required for that and a patsy had to be found and worked for that...but she got the money
and the person's blessing. Here is an interesting point: She did not really need the money.
Like us, the sisters seem fixated on the wrong definition of "win". Like us, they too were raised to believe that "win" (or lose ~ and we did rebel against the Mother or we would be the moral equivalent of our sisters, today) had something to do with the Mother. With possession or rejection of the Mother. That whole line of thinking is where we are twisted and where the energies that should flow are knotted, instead. It has something to do with the symbol for yin and yang. We are one way. The sisters are the opposite. (At least in relation to us, the sisters are the opposite. We are the same creature in a way similar to the yin/yang symbol.)
Because its flow has been so disrupted, all energy flows...toward the Mother.
When we are healed, we will laugh at the simplicity of these things we once believed so complex.
But right now, I am not laughing.
Right now, I am not laughing either.
I love it that you were sensitive to your own feelings of shame, Copa. Man, that took courage. You were the gladiator on the bloodied sand, choosing the meaning as you stood up, bloodied and beaten and triumphant. I love it that you took the opportunity in both hands to go after her, and to risk and be real.
There is a commercial on now, in which the Mother calls the son who answers the phone though he is battling Supervillains for his life. The caption: "Moms always call at the worst times. That is what we do."
I love that. I am forever wishing not to offend, not to take more time than I should. "Moms call at the worst times. That is what we do."
This is where we heal. Knowing our own feelings about ourselves are chimeras, are constructs. We are blazing through it, now. We see it, now. We know what it is, now.
Soon there will be good, rich laughter where once our thoughts made us suffer.
Is this that ? What was the trigger? Do I feel that she needs it? Do I give it to her, because of that? Is it related to know that my sister is speaking to her?
So, what is that theory that says when the student is ready the teacher appears. And the one that says everything is interconnected, and that we only need to do our part. Not serendipity but some other name. The meeting with your aunt, the meeting with your son ~ both are sterling examples.
And you chose real, Copa.
I am deeply happy for you, and for me.
Is this that ? What was the trigger? Do I feel that she needs it? Do I give it to her, because of that? Is it related to know that my sister is speaking to her?
Copa! You met a far greater challenge than I have yet met. I did not know this person knew your sister. I mean, of course she would, but I hadn't thought it. So you faced the internalized sister and who she
(with her pale reflections of the Witch Mother's power ~ with the very power with which, at the internalized Witch Mother's behest, we destroy ourselves now out of fear that it is in us too. And it is this that the sisters employ. And celebrate, with immense, chuckling joy.) decrees you must be, Copa. You know what they do, shredding our reputations behind our backs to anyone who will listen. You went real anyway, Copa.
Talk about your sacred ground.
Do you feel awful today. I always feel awful when I've made the decision to face it. To face the Wind. There is a taste of hatred in the Wind Copa, because that is what will have been sown, there. Remember my posting about my mother destroying D H reputation through accusations
to our freaking neighbors having to do with physical abuse and being a jerk and you name it.
Our neighbor came to me and told us about it.
She was sick at heart, because she had listened.
We are still friends, the four of us, to this day.
But it was so awkward a time, Copa.
We had just moved there.
Remember my sister, backstabbing behind my back with her family and to my own face, and in D H face because he could not respond, for all those years and all those dinners and the beach condo and the lake house and all of that. And when it was over, D H was so happy to be unmuzzled. That is his term: Unmuzzled.
You stood up, Copa. You refused to be the old Dolly. You refused to fear the Dolly you are, good, so good, in the heart of you.
Copa? I love you, too.
Here is a secret. A lady I graduated with came where I work. And it was so nice to see her, to look into her eyes. But later, I felt badly. She mentioned my sister, and my mother. At the time, I glossed over the discomfort. But later, at home, I was sad that the lady must find me reprehensible because of what she will have been told about me.
By my own mother.
By my own sister.
But...who is the Liar here, Copa. And have they betrayed me...or am I betraying myself.
The joy of seeing this woman I had known as a girl was colored by the rejection that will surely happen once my sister learns there is any connection between she and I.
This is the thought pattern that happened. Automatically. These are the patterns we examine, now. These are the answers we need, and will learn, as we push ourselves up from the bloodied sand of the arena.
To find that everyone in the audience is us.
I was talking to D H about this destroyed reputation business. This is how my mother and my sister work. That is why the story about the lady driver carried such emotional impact for me. That is why it was chilling to know my mother destroyed the reputation of the man who wanted to marry her to her circle of friends.
The audience in the arena is us, Copa. We are the thumbs up or thumbs down judgment makers. It isn't about not making a judgment when we have been hurt as Dolly was hurt and no longer understand who we are ~ when we have learned belly up because the other way requires a compromise of integrity impossible for us.
Martin Luther: "Here I stand. I can do no other."
And he knew there would be consequences, and he did it anyway.
And that is the difference, between ourselves and the sisters.
Now I have M. M is my family with my son. I do not need her now. Why is the hurt still there?
Speaking strictly for myself, I wonder about that rage piece. About what I refused to see and having it turn out to be that I find them ~ my own people ~ not very bright (given the nature of the win pursued with such dogged insistence), and not very desirable to know.
Which cannot possibly be true.
But it is. And I punish myself for that.
And believe myself to have been punished for that. And feel badly enough about myself for knowing what I know about how I really feel about them.... And yet, the more I try to understand, the deeper into some really terrible things I seem to be getting.
But here is a secret. Too secret to tell. I will whisper it to myself, first. But at the bottom of the secret is the guilt fueling everything else.
All of it.
I seem not to spend alot of time relishing my Family of Origin as they are. I seemed to spend alot of energy believing in Family Dinner. When I knew all along they were people who would do what they did because that is who they are.
And I always was an outsider, there.
A case of "I would never belong to a Club that would have me as a member?" Or something worse. Some rottenness having to do with overweening contempt turned pride turned blackened thing. Maybe, something that is a complexity of illusion, as well.
The difference now is that I know this time that at the end of this time of unraveling I will be the Dolly that was meant to be.
Yay for me. Thank you Copa for introducing Dolly's story into our own.
I can hold Dolly with such deep compassion. I cannot yet do that for myself. Here again, Dolly teaches us.
Imagine that. They say the truth is that life is stranger than we know...and stranger than we
can know.
Synchronicity. That is the word I was looking for in the story of the aunt and the beautiful black man with the interesting name. Ha! I love that these things happened by your will and simply through your curiosity. I wonder where the beautiful man will take this new knowledge, this new understanding of self.
You will make a fascinating teacher, Copa.
What I meant to say when I remember synchronicity was the role of Dolly.
She made it so simple a matter for us to see what was always there.
Let me apply the lesson of Dolly to this latest horribleness I have discovered about the blackened energies seething away beneath the surface ~ about the way I may really feel about my Family of Origin.
Dolly is intrinsically good. It is her nature. Had the bad things continued, she may have forgotten who she was really. Forgotten, and justified imaginary badnesses, one after another, as she has been taught to do to herself; as she has been taught to believe about herself and even, to supply the poison and the knife.
D H said something like that last night, when we were talking about destroyed reputations.
So, if the knife were to fall out of our backs, clattering onto the floor splashing blood everywhere...what would it look like. Whose bloodied fingerprints cover it; whose blood, on the wickedly curved blade. Is it arterial blood. Is the wound mortal
or is the knife a construct too.
Well it must be, or I could not have made it fall out.
What does the knife look like. Where was it made and at whose direction.
If there were such a knife for Dolly...we would know it was wrong; that it was an obscenity. Contrast that with your feelings re the knife when we thought it had been constructed, for us.
That subtle distinction.
That is where we win.
She was such a nice lady, an Indian Lady. She said she was 10 years younger than I. She thought I looked remarkably good for a white person. I told her my mother had been closer to her own color than to mine, and I was lucky to have her skin. I told her that my mother was very beautiful and she told me that she could very much believe me, looking at me. It was a love fest. Of course, I told her how wonderful she looked for her age. We were in love.
Is that manipulation, too, Cedar?
This question fascinates me.
I think a thing can only be a manipulation if something is won by only one of the participants to the interaction. In this series of interactions you engaged in yesterday, there is happiness created between two people, each of whom comes away stronger, more centered in him or herself. In every case, where there was nothing before there is an outburst of positive energy, now.
Yes, a manipulation.
For the White.
For the willing wonder of the White; a thing to be cherished. A thing to bridge a racial divide and perhaps, ageism and sexism, too. And finally, a strengthening and a recognition, between women.
Oh, I think a very good day for all of us, Copa. They say (you know this of course) that the ripples of every action, good or bad, spread out. They say too, that a butterfly brushes her wings against the wind in Africa creating a typhoon in the Caribbean.
:O )
The macaw I post about sometimes? Will tuck his head beneath his wing and laugh and laugh. Sometimes, he will.