I began to get scared and not know what to do. I feared that my sister was trying again to take control of my mother's medical care according to her own ends. My mother from the bed could not see my sister talking to the doctor outside the door.
After maybe 6 minutes, I said, L is talking to the doctor. I think I should also listen in case I am missing something important.
One niece, the more sophisticated one, tried to cover for her mother: she said, Oh, she went to the bathroom.
I said No. She's been outside talking to the doctor. I think I should go and listen, because I am sure she is bringing up important points that I should listen to.
She should never have excluded you in the first place, Copa. That is what she was doing. Intentionally excluding. I think your sister was glorying in a role where she could see herself as the one the mother needed. but at the same time, what she was actually after was to put the mother away.
I am thinking that for your sister, interacting with her actual mother was shocking. She seems to have convinced herself your mother was already powerless and foolish and helpless because that is what she wished were true. If she could just get her socked away somewhere, then your sister could pretend she did the right thing by her mother when what she was really trying to do was to get rid of her mother ~ in a way, to bury her before she was gone without looking bad to herself or anyone else for having done what she wanted to do with all her heart. Just as it is with my sister when her fantasy of self is confronted, all the hatred, envy we cannot begin to imagine ~ all the private things she really thinks about her sister and about her own mother, come exploding out.
We are not getting that about our sisters when they behave in these ways. We carry the guilt; we internalize the shame.
But Copa, you didn't do anything wrong. You defended your mother. She needed you to do that, Copa. The cost was high in one way, because you were still tied in to the idea (like I was, too) that the words these people speak have some relationship to the things that are true.
They don't, Copa.
Our sisters lie. They don't even have the integrity to question the ways they hate us to themselves, like we are always trying to figure out. Hatred would not fit the picture they have of themselves. That is why they hate us in secret and don't even know it. Because of that lack of integrity, every word seems fakey. When they say they love us, what they mean is: Bend over. Get out of my way. Be mentally ill or destroy yourself the way you look destroyed to me in my secret heart. Think of the way your sister looked at your face. Think of the way she looked at M. That was pure hatred, come of envy. Not that there is valid comparison or anything to be envious of. Simply that we exist. That is what it is. That is why these things don't make sense to us. That is what you mean, I think, when you wonder about the house on Zillow. You are thinking there is sense to be made of our situations. There can never be a healing between us Copa. It isn't your fault, or mine, or SWOT's. These are the woundings set up in all of us when we were only little girls.
Our sisters are doing the best they know for themselves.
We need to do the same.
We need to heal our guilt and shame. They do not belong to us, Copa.
I really like SWOT's concept of emotional flashback. That is exactly correct. That is what those terrible feelings are. But, as Brene Brown writes, we humans are hard wired for conflict from birth. Now that we know, we will heal. Just think, Copa and SWOT. We have never been healed in all of our lives. Just think how that is going to be, once we are truly ourselves for the first time since we were born into our terrible, twisted families.
SWOT is right again, when she posts that we are lucky to be away from them, at last.
Really, now that we know there is no way to heal all of us, that is the best choice for us. To be healthy and strong and whole
and without guilt or shame.
I suppose we will heal now, by degrees.
How (something) are they who have not patience;
what would did ever heal, but by degrees.
That is Shakespeare.
There are moments in life when one has to take a stand and fight, or else, one risks not being a person at all.
Well, and that's what they want for us. Not to be a person, at all.
But without the chronic guilt and its attending shame, our sisters (or our mothers, in my case) will not fascinate us, anymore.
When we have acknowledged and healed internalized guilt and shame, we will not be vulnerable to them in any way. We will see.
That's the only difference, really.
We will see clearly for the first time.
Savaged dead and stolen blind.
Remember that line from the poem about the child I was?
That's us. Blind to them. Blind to the twistedness in all of it. Now, we will see.
I was afraid of my sister and of my mother too, Copa. Remember how scared I was that she would call, or that they would appear at my door?
I must always have been afraid like that.
A flash of hatred for myself, there. And I recognize it now, and hold myself safely, and with great tenderness and compassion. Just the way I feel about SWOT's bitten fingers. That same kind of feeling. But I never felt that for myself, before. (Monty Python: "We already got one. Oh yes, it's very nice.)
We will all learn to do that, now that we have SWOT's term emotional flashback. Soon, cherishing and admiring ourselves, not for our courage or our strength, but simply because we are here and now and awake, will be automatic.
That is when we will know we are healing well.
WTF, did I end up in a Mafia family or something? Am I some goldfish that got lost and ended up in a school of sharks? I do not have the language to understand, to conceive of where I ended up in my life.
Unless I am not seeing my part, which is uglier than the rest. And I am just not seeing it.
Is this a flash of internalized guilt and shame, Copa? An emotional flashback? I feel that sense of shock too, when I tell myself the truth about my family of origin. And I remember posting "What kind of person thinks like this about her own mother, about her own sister?"
We do have CPTSD, Copa.
We are so lucky SWOT posted that name of what it is for us.
Together, we really are doing this impossible thing. Our families were lucky to have us, to have the gift of generous and kind in their midst. What they did with us was up to them. That is why they were so determined to destroy us, maybe.
We were so different than they are, and than they insist on being to this day.
If I could do anything different, it would have been to trust my sister as being motivated to do the right thing for all of us.
Copa, even I can see, just from the way you've described your sister, that she was not capable of doing anything but serving herself and using all of you to do it.
My sister is that way, too.
Blind, like me. Only where you and SWOT and I try to include, our sisters determinedly exclude and shame and take advantage of every kindness, of every offer of trust or relationship.
You did the honorable, decent, correct thing in standing up for your mother, Copa. It must have felt so scary, but you did it. You are a hero, Copa. Claim that. It is true.
Of course your sister hates you for standing up for your mother.
But she would have hated you just as much if you had not.
The choices, for us, are not between standing up or somehow having loving family. For us, there is no loving family, Copa. You even loved your mother with such heart and soul and passion when she was dying; you even did that, Copa.
That is who you are.
When there was nothing more to be gained, nothing more to be sucked out of the situation ~ not even the role of daughter so regretfully locking her mother away in a nursing home whether the mother needed that kind of help or not ~ your sister stormed off.
Your suffering, your regret at the way everything turned out, cannot change who she is, Copa.
But you can see the why of it now, and let go of the shame.
You did the right thing Copa.
You are an honorable woman.
That's all that really matters, in the end.
My sister sees me as having done horrible things. She accused me of stealing my mother's money, while I cared for my Mother. Without proof and despite an increase of assets during that time and a careful accounting of every (conservative and justified) expenditure. She tried to make me pay her for anything of my mother's stuff that I wanted, contrary to the will. She took advantage of my innocence and ignorance of hidden gifts made by my mother, that were to have been rectified.
Even after writing all of this out (sorry) I am scratching my head. What happened? How did this happen? Is it all my fault? Really.
It's like my story about beating my wife, Copa. Accusations are just words. I would expect your sister to do that to you. Your sense of integrity is something you cherish about yourself. That is where she attacked by accusation. "How long have you been beating your wife?" You are thrown into FOG, into emotional flashback by this accusation against your integrity, by this accusation against who you are, against how you measure yourself and make your way in the world. I have learned, as I have posted things I could hardly believe I knew the truth of myself, that when I am thrown into "emotional flashback" into FOG as I review these memories ~ I have learned that this feeling is the taste of my denial. Keep pushing, Copa. You know what is true. But when someone asks how long we have been beating our wives, we forget all about focusing in the issue at hand. "How could they think I have been beating my wife?!?"
They lie, Copa.
My sister lies. My mother tells lies.
And we automatically carry the shame of that for them. We say to ourselves they would not lie to us, because they love us.
They don't love us, Copa.
That makes me very sad, too.
That is why I kept posting that I did not get the win in what they were doing. I kept thinking they loved me. I kept accusing myself of poor communication or something. We need to stop doing that, Copa and SWOT.
It is exactly what it looks like.
An ugly, ugly story.
But we are so fortunate now, because we know the truth of it. Finally, we know the truth of it, and we can start respecting ourselves again for once.
Everything is going to be so different for all of us.
So incredibly different, and so beautiful.
But only in comparison to where we have lived, to how we have seen ourselves, all of our lives. Everyone we know? Has always lived in that kind of world where kindness to ourselves, and where trust in and respect for ourselves, is a given.
We won't have to always be proving ourselves anymore.
I can't imagine it, really.
Like Cartman says, on Southpark: "Sweeeet!"
And just think. Back in the beginning, my objective was not to love myself or respect myself. It was to be stronger enough; it was to deal with the fear. I felt so healed, but I had no idea. Remember all those posts about horrible things, and I could hardly believe myself?
That seems like what is happening to you too now, Copa. SWOT is ahead of us. We were telling the truth, as it turned out, Copa. So are you. It's just an unbelievable truth, so it's hard to believe it could be the actual truth of what happened and is still happening.
What a gift, that we have been able to see these things.
t is really helpful to write this out, because I did not know that all of this self-doubt and self-accusation was still inside of me.
Me, too.
And just think, Copa and SWOT. This is how we've seen ourselves all of our lives. It seems to me now that when I was safe from them, when I was far away from them and they didn't matter to me very much, that is when I accomplished all kinds of things. When they were back in the picture, things turned dark again. This is true. I never saw it that way before.
Even though I knew to be afraid of my sister, and even as I saw this unfold, I am still completely stunned by it. I cannot accept that I am part of something so ugly.
Me, too.
My sister sees me as the guilty party. She ardently believes it.
And I keep asking myself, if indeed, I am.
Of course she does. She would have to. She attributes all the bad things she thinks in her secret heart to you. Then she believes it. You are the bad one because you are thinking the thoughts she cannot claim are her thoughts regarding your mom or yourself.
That is how it looks to me where my sister is concerned.
That is why they can lie like they believe right in the face of the facts. Without witness, we gobble up the shame and guilt and beat the hell out of ourselves for our inadequacy or our meanness that we didn't know was there, or for our indecency in not having been kind enough or whatever it is that hits home and makes us guilty and ashamed.
Just like when we were little girls.
We keep trying to make sense of it. If we can somehow figure out where we went wrong, we believe we can fix this.
But we cannot fix blind hatred; we cannot fix willful envy.
I really do feel badly for us. We were so innocent and so trusting. WTF.
Was the correct response through this all, to stay away and let my sister do as she would with my Mother? Is my sister correct, that she deserved 100 percent of control over my mother's care? And her assets?
Am I wrong to think that my mother should have been respected and included in her care decisions to the extent she was able? And what about help?
Did I cause all of this because I suspected my sister or at least did not fully trust her? Is that why she is angry with me? Because I doubted her?
No. Your sister was in the process of victimizing your mother. You had stepped in to stop it once already. Your sister's hatred for you increased when you did that. She does not like to have her will thwarted. She tried again to take control of the mother.
Again you stopped it Copa.
When the chips are down Copa and SWOT, we stand up every time. Just as I stood up for my brother. Just as I could not excuse my sister's reprehensible behavior when my child was unable to defend herself.
We have trouble believing in and standing up for ourselves.
We do great when we stand up for others. We cannot stand for ourselves because we think we deserve what they do.
They lie, and they hate us and they fuel all that with envy. As we heal, their voices will come to be disregarded. It will be more difficult at first to claim the right to defend ourselves from shame and guilt.
But we all have done scarier things routinely.
We are going to be fine, just fine and dandy.
How long have you been beating your wife. Emotional flashback. FOG.
M, too, is terrified of her, for me. Because he thinks she will come after me someday. After she has run through her money, she will come for what little I have, and attack me for it.
My D H says that. That they will come, and that I will be vulnerable, if he dies or we are divorced.
I see now what he meant. At first, and until say, two weeks ago, I did not see it.
M is right, Copa.
Our sisters will always hurt us if they can. They have like, this engine of hatred roaring away at the heart of them. No one in their lives is safe from them. I think no one in their lives is real to them.
Only they are real.
That is why they can lie so routinely, maybe.
They say people who are sociopaths have no problem telling lies at all.
I'm just saying. If the shoe fits, then maybe it belongs to my sister.
Oh, look. She and my mother wear the same size.
We need to stand up to that, Copa. SWOT already can do that, I think.
So, we will get there, too. It's just disorienting in the beginning.
Change is always that way. Little scary. But this time, we are the ones deciding where we are going.
So that's good, then.
I think your sister sounds really scary, Copa. At least my sister is a tender little thing in some ways. But she isn't, really.
Kaleidescope. CPTSD. Emotional flashback. FOG, a little.
See what we have to go through to get free?
All those little triggers are everywhere in here.
My sister has done terrible things to people. She never, ever stops until they are broken. I need to get that she is not someone tender. That is a piece of how she manipulates me.
With cold eyes, filling with tears.
But she really has done some terrible, terrible things in her life.
But I keep trying to understand, and when I can't, I think it must be because I am the guilty one.
Even when Cedar spells it out for me, gives me a map, I still end up holding the bag.
That's okay, Copa. I still have a pretty big bag, too. It's beginning to smell like sewer though. Steaming bag of s***.
So, we're going to use it as fertilizer then, and make our own beautiful gardens where they will never be allowed heartspace ever again.
We have to be wise and wary and heartless where our little sisters are concerned. They will never stop, and they will never change, and we need to believe ourselves about that true thing.
But I did protect my Mother, to the extent I was able. But not really.
I think you did, Copa. And not only that, but you gave her the gift of witnessing her screams, and of hearing her and at the last, of loving her completely.
You are a good woman, Copa.
It is the situation that is so horrifically bad.
What your sister did, who she is, boggles the mind.
Even my sister is not like your sister.
Your sister is like a demon on the cheap side. but really a demon, nonetheless. You don't really need to be afraid of her, Copa. She has been destroying every aspect of you she could access all of your lives together.
She probably will never stop.
SWOT is right. Protect yourself from her and turn away; even in your heart Copa, turn away.
I need to remember that for myself, too.
I sometimes am tempted to hate myself for the part I've played in my own destruction. But I am not hating myself for that stuff anymore. I really did believe we could do this. I am sorry we cannot.
But I am no going to beat myself up for their stupid sakes again, ever. And when I catch myself doing it, I am going to say: Emotional flashback.
That' the plan.
Then I am going to adjust my spectacles, and remind myself I can see clearly now.
And that what I thought I might have seen but that could not possibly be true, was absolutely the true thing that I did see.
Circling a little bit, here.
That's okay. At least we've set sail in our kayak with its strong, beautifully patterned paddles. One for us to use, and one, for a spare. Because they will surely try to come along and swamp us, those dirty rats.
I was just thinking about my mom and my sister laughing about "What would Cedar do?" Roar. That's disgusting.
Dirty rats.
Remember the link to Jack Webb being Sargent Joe Friday?
That goes here.
Dirty rats.
Because how can you really understand something that you do not have the language to understand?
That is where Monty Python comes in. "We already got one. Oh yes, it's very nice."
If I was not such a bad little girl, she would not be doing this to me.
I think I have gone through my life feeling such.
If all of this happens around me, it must be my fault.
That's exactly right, Copa. Those emotional flashback feelings are why we internalized the guilt and the shame; that is why we are ashamed and guilty when anything at all goes wrong in our worlds, today. That, I think, is what we are carrying for our sisters
and they glory in it, in our carrying it so they don't even have to look at it.
Maybe that is why they hate us. If we are gone or discredited or otherwise destroyed, so is the truth of what happened to them. I always say to all of us. But I think my sister sees only what happened to her. And she probably even blames me for that.