Remember, Cedar and SWOT, my sister defines herself as a very important person. A VIP. Important and esteemed in her work. (NOT) High status in the community, as defined by her profession and her home (NOT).
My sister has always defined herself that way, too. Even when she had no job, even when she had no home. Even if all she had was that what she wanted was of more value than the things I wanted, and certainly, was of more value than the things that I had because I didn't even have a Rolex, and she didn't either, but at least she knew enough to want one.
There is a kind of status to be taken in that.
We could actually take a lesson there from our sisters.
I think we would not do that, though. I think we try very hard not to do that thing my sister and my mother do so easily. My sister arrives where she does because of the eye rolling, because of the sly attempts to divide and conquer and to hold in contempt and come out on top and climb from there. My sister knows how to make me feel badly for not buying her a $75 sweatshirt when she is here on vacation. It's a matter of making known that she wants it and cannot really afford it but that she certainly would be very happy indeed if I were to buy it for her. Unless I cannot really afford it, either ~ and who does that make me? Cheap or unloving or unkind, that's what. It's like, no matter how much time or money or effort or thought has been devoted, I wind up feeling cheap or that I've missed something that hurt her somehow. I pop myself into emotional flashback.
I try harder.
But that is a feeling of my sister that I had never pinned down before.
That is very exactly the feel of my sister and of my mom, too.
A person could never spend enough money on my sister. Nothing one does for my sister is unappreciated, it is just somehow never enough. It is just somehow a really sad little thing that my sister was not given what she desired and what would make her so happy because I was not wealthy enough or well connected enough or just plain not enough.
This is very true of my mother, as well.
Silence stretches out and out, becoming expectation. Certain people, especially men but I have seen both of them do it to women too, buy whatever it is or do whatever it is either of them wants done to assuage their guilt at not doing it. That is how both she and my mom do it.
They are very, very good salesmen.
They treat everyone as they treat the woman who drives my mother south. But the woman has continued to do it. Maybe because, like us, she is being tossed into emotional flashback and is trying to do finally bring everyone involved into happy.
Just like I keep trying to do with that imagery of family dinner.
Here is why what our sisters (and my mother) do is wrong.
We humans are so prone to joining in on ridicule and power over; it's almost irresistible to elevate ourselves by ridiculing someone else. That is why we gossip. And we know it is wrong and so, some of us stop and some of us add to it. This is where every "ism" begins. Racism, economic disparagement, religious fundamentalism, etc. It is not harmless to do that. It is a very harmful thing, to depersonalize another human being. That is why Maya Angelou writes about being wary of the words and attitudes we allow ourselves to entertain, most especially in private. Gossip and eye rolling and ridicule are a continuum of things that are very wrong things to do.
That is where we must catch ourselves and stop, lest we too dehumanize.
Our sisters and my mom function there best and very skillfully, employing humor to defuse the nastiness in what they do. That is why there is that sense of distaste in every interaction with them, but since everyone else is laughing too, then we must be having a good and appropriate time. We think it must be our thinking problem that is making us uncomfortable when in fact, interacting with our FOO breeches every ethical barrier we know and try to live by.
But to see other people the way our sisters or my mom do is one way to name ourselves better than. In a way, our sisters (or my mom) are not treating us differently than they treat anyone in their lives. We are expecting them to love us the way we love. It could be true that they are loving us the best they can.
That could be true.
If your go to emotional state is eye rolling and ridicule, if that is how you claim status in the world, then the truth here is that there is nothing personal in how our sisters (or my mother) behave.
We are beating ourselves into oblivion over something that will never change. The worse we feel, the more they can get from us until finally, one of us says some little thing like the truth (or leaps to the defense of her victimized mother as you did, Copa) and then the sister storms off.
So we beat ourselves up over how everything could have gone so wrong, again.
It isn't us. It's them. That is how they do it.
So that answer then is, again, to be healthy and whole and curious and enamored of our own lives, of every minute of our own time here. To be generous in our hearts, but to also be wise and to be wary.
And to be exquisitely conscious of when emotional flashback kicks in.
That is crucial for us, so we can stop beating ourselves up.
I am going to stop judging my mom or my sister. They are who they are. It is good to know the possibility of pathologic hatred could be true. It would explain alot ~ almost everything. It is good, so good, for me to know what was true about the broken places in my psyche and clear the shame of those times. But maybe, my sister doesn't hate or envy me in particular, at all.
But there must be something like that going on, or why would she stalk me instead of just calling me up, leaving a halfway decent message and asking me please to call back because she is not happy either with the way things are going?
It is priceless, to have the concept "emotional flashback".
This is where we destroy ourselves every time.
It is not our sisters or our mothers or anyone else who is destroying us with feelings of shame and guilt and hope that if we just keep trying, surely all will be well. We are doing it to ourselves.
Emotional flashback.
I love that concept.
It has been crucial to my sense of integrity through time to know and acknowledge the truth of my situation relative to abuse. I name it seeing the abuser abuse me, hurt me, through my own eyes (or through the eyes of an appropriate witness) rather than seeing myself as the legitimately hated and reviled object of abuse through the ugly, lying eyes of my abuser. That essential change in perspective has freed me in ways I did not know I was caught.
Terrible things happened to me, and to each of you, when we were little. Those things did not make me who I am. That understanding is crucial. I was always who I am; I was messed up as I went into the world to try my wings, but have learned to fly very well.
As have each of you.
It is when we interact at any depth with our FOO that we have problems defining ourselves
and that is what toxicity is. That feeling of emotional flashback; that feeling that we are responsible because someone is angry or hurt or excluded.
How incredible a tool we have been given in that term emotional flashback.
It is FOG with a bullet.
That is where we are when terrible feelings of guilt and responsibility and shame overwhelm us. It will be a simple matter for us, now that we have that concept, now that we have or are beginning to, believe ourselves about our own pasts and process that ~ it will be a simple matter for us to identify "emotional flashback" and nurture or confront ourselves through it.
SWOT's concept: We don't get to cheat. A simple and so perfect reminder regarding emotional flashback and what it means to how we perceive our situations, especially in regard to our families of origin.
And to any predator in our lives.
We needed that concept of emotional flashback to make sense of our situations. Now, it will be our commitment to healthy thought patterns that will help us define our situations and make correct decisions regarding ourselves and our value, instead of taking our value from those terrible feelings of emotional flashback. We have been extrapolating our values from those feelings of helplessness because everyone else is not happy.
That feels like it could be true.
This is the healthiest way for me to see. So, that is where I will see from for my own sake, for the sake of my peace and my sanity and my heart. I don't want to be bitter. I don't want to feel denigrated or downright hated or foolish or like I cannot think well. I will no longer accept that for myself from anyone; I know now what I found so offensive in exclusion. If I do feel those feelings, I will recognize it as abuse and respond accordingly. I am who I am. Not everyone is going to like me or love me or even, want me around at all. That is okay. Sometimes, I don't like myself very much, either. But then, I fall back into delight with myself, whether I am ugly that day or not.
I do.
I have been learning to recognize when I am taking responsibility for the hurt or confusion of others. I am learning to explore sitting with my feelings and not saying a word about how we might solve the problem so everyone will feel happy again. I have other words to say: You can do this. You are bright and strong and you are just fine, just as you are right this minute.
I am learning to stay with my sense of discomfort and believe the other person (my kids or my grands) are more than capable of meeting and defining their own situations and of creating their own beautiful lives.
I need to put my family of origin in that space somehow, too. They are going to use me because that is what they do. They are going to eye roll and contempt and form alliances against me and against one another because that is also what they do. It is not a behavior peculiar to their interactions with me.
Nothing personal about it.
The beatings and tauntings and choices to be cruel ~ those things are just who they are whenever they can get away with it. My mother never let go of that. She changed her modus operandi as her children, as her very conveniently powerless victims of choice, got older ~ but she still abuses in every way possible every chance she gets. And she does this to everyone. There is no one she does not see through those eye rolling, contemptuous, let me justify exclusion so I can be better than you eyes.
Why doesn't apply, here.
She is who she is and so is my sister.
People rise to our expectations, as we have learned with our own troubled kids. We need to talk to ourselves that way, too. What we are doing at this phase I think, is setting a bar for our families of origin and for ourselves, too.
That is appropriate.
Good, good, good for us.
We are doing this thing very well. I am deeply proud of every one of us.
I think this is exactly so, Cedar. She left that hospital in defeat, really, now that I think of it. Even though she defined it as something else, she retreated.
That is the truth of the matter. Copa, could this also be true: In our mind's eyes, we feel guilt at the eruption of bad feelings, however the disturbing event happens. Emotional flashback, replete with guilt and shame and naming ourselves responsible and accusing ourselves that we should have been able to handle this better than we did because look what happened.
Everyone is upset, feelings are raw.
Emotional flashback.
Could that be true?
I think you are right Cedar, but there is something more, that is very hard for me to grasp.
I think the best point in my sister's life with respect to me was in my late teen years. I had been completely beaten down in my family, and she had thrived. I had not yet developed an identity outside of the family, to counteract my defeat within it. As I look back that was the time my relationship with my sister was the best. Because she was ascendant and I was defeated. She had me where she wanted me.
When life outside the family began to treat her badly, is when it seems that her sadism towards me became more manifest.
That makes sense to me Copa. That is what our sisters are about. Who is less than and can be safely disregarded versus who still needs to be taken down altogether or used to help our sisters (or my mom) achieve whatever it is their main objective is.
Copa, why do we let our sisters define our situations? What would happen if you just called your sister? Who cares what she does or says. Then, you would know you did it. In a way, it is like when I was afraid to answer my own phone, or afraid of how to respond if they showed up, uninvited, at my own house.
This is pissing me off a little now, that I let them do that to me. That was the threat in my sister's last phone message before we came north.
And I was like, a basket case about it because I didn't like what was happening and I didn't know how to say so without destroying what little family there was. From the work we did here, I answered the stupid phone when she did call. And all I had to say was the truth. And that was enough to destroy what was left. But there was nothing there that I wanted. Just like there is nothing there that you want Copa, in your relationship to your own sister. What we want is not what they want.
They will always accuse us of not wanting a Rolex, whether they have one or not and whether we want one or not.
Lose, lose for us. Win, win for them, because the objective is to name themselves better than.
Call her, Copa.
Let her do the talking, or let her not pick up, or let her do whatever she wants. What she wants is that same sickness our families or origin operated on back when we had no choice about it.
It has nothing to do with us if they choose not to see us as other than prey.
They can do what they want.
What we need to do for our own sakes is stop avoiding who they are, and stop believing they are someone better than they are because that is how they throw us into emotional flashback.
They seem not to have the capacity to think in another way, Copa. They are not the only ones who think like that or things like gossip and ridicule and eye rolling and racism would not exist.
That's how I see it, this morning.
Do you think this could be true?
Now I see that with this she was telling me exactly who she is. And here was illuminated all of the times she had hurt me and others without one bit of remorse or second thought.
Yes, these kinds of things happen to my sister all the time, too.
We need to recognize when our sisters (or my mom) get us to pop ourselves into emotional flashback.
Then we need to reparent ourselves, or even, just to take charge of ourselves. Our sisters do not get to define us. They do not get to cheapen or define our relationships to our own mothers. They are very bad at strengthening others and very good at strengthening themselves at the other person's ~ any other person's ~ expense. I am thinking here of our sisters' divorces. You have never seen so vindictive a person as my sister (or my mom).
Except for your sisters, SWOT and Copa.
My mother used to fantasize about nailing the knees of the business partner who pulled out of my father's business to the floor.
Now, that is vindictiveness.
But my sister found another job and in this one there is security. And there are titles and power. She can hire and fire. She is free to do what she will to others. And I am certain she will abuse. And I think that is part of the reason that I cannot yet turn away from this train wreck. She keeps coming out not only unscathed but rewarded. Just like Rachel Dolezal who it seems will now get her own reality show, where her fraudulent self can pass judgment on others. Regardless of what is true or right. And it does not make sense.
My mother found a position like that, too. She still talks about her importance, her job, her people at her job, how wonderful she was at her job, for hours. These are the kinds of things I would listen to on those phone conversations I made to her every night at 7:30. That is why D H would be so upset. He said my mother knew what she was doing and was taking time away from him and our marriage with malice and intent.
I thought that was very tacky of him.
Imagine my surprise, when I realilzed he was correct.
My mom would say things like: "Should I use him?" Regarding the man who wanted to marry her, I mean.
He was a generous and an ethical man.
And I understand that it will never change in those pictures. That it must change in me. It will come from a decision to accept the truth.
For me, Copa? It had to do with posting and reading here to the point that I felt better enough about myself to stop allowing myself to be afraid of the way my own mother and my own sister were excluding and ridiculing and holding me up for ridicule and etc.
I picked up the phone.
You should call your sister.
It isn't about her. It's about us. Finally, finally, we know what happened and how it all works well enough to welcome them, with our blessings, to F off.
I meant pass the salt.
But really, Copa and SWOT. These people are manipulating us through our empathic hearts and our emotional flashbacks and that is not fair.
I do not understand why she continues to prevail. Because even though I am stunned by her triumph, I know it is a charade. And I watch and watch, I think, waiting for the truth of the image to reveal itself.
But like me Copa, you already know the truth. We just refused to believe it. Whoever their sisters were? Our sisters would have done, would still be doing, the same things to them.
Every bully, in every situation, is like our sisters (or my mom).
It never had a thing in the world to do with us.
So we never have to be destroyed by anything they say or do or believe or convince others to believe, ever again.
Just like in the Wizard of Oz. We could always go home. We just had to decide we wanted it. Like Dorothy, we have been all over the place looking in all the wrong places because we believed we lacked courage or heart or intelligence. They were our companions, all along.
We are approaching the Wizard's castle at warp speed.
Soon, Toto will lift the curtain.
We will be disappointed.
And then, we will be free.
We will return to Kansas, claiming it and the love in it as our own for the first time.
I forced myself to go to the Physical Therapist today, even though I woke up so defeated and hurt and alone.
Oh, good for you, Copa. It must have been so hard to motivate for it, but you did it. Good Copa, because once you are through this part, you will want to be healthy and strong in your body, too.
When I left I went to Barnes and Noble thinking I might find there my son.
We have to. We are their mothers. Those are our children. D H and I looked and looked for our daughter when she was homeless. That so sucked.
You did it though, Copa.
You are his mother.
It is your right and obligation to both your son and yourself to do what you feel is the right thing. You can change your mind (or he can) at any time. That does not change that you love him.
I am glad you did that.
I am sorry for the despair in it, Copa; but you did the right thing.
Sometimes, we just want to know.
Honor that.
Not for his sake, but for yours.
And I began to cry because I recognized there was something in me that identified with killing myself. Not to die.
But I knew I could not because the paperwork for the trust to protect my son still I have not signed. And part of me knew that by posting as I have been doing, about my sister, must merit a kind of death penalty. And is it not so perfectly fitting that it would come at my own hand?
I am picking fights with M. The same old stuff. And I cannot find my son and there is nothing to say when I do.
That's okay, Copa. None of this is easy. There is no one who could understand what this means to you but you. The Japanese warriors chose to suicide publicly to erase shame. Sort of "Up with this I will not put." But you have time to see how all this evolves now, Copa. You are changing how you interpret meaning. This is a difficult and confusing time. But here you are, and that is a gift without price.
The gift of time.
What an extraordinary thing, Copa.
Don't leave us, yet.
Not just yet, okay?
You can always make that decision. You have all the time there is, all the time you need. Explore there, Copa.
Priceless, irrecoverable time.
And I felt like my whole life has been exposed to be a fraud and fake, and more to the point I am the fraud and and the fake, and I may be left standing but what do I have? I guess a lot. When I think about it.
Oh, yes, Copa.
Just to be here to think about it.
Who is it naming you fraud? My mom did that to me. But then? I realized she didn't do that. I did.
Who is it naming you fake? That first therapist did that to me. But then? I realized he didn't do that. I did.
Then? I realized I was still standing, too.
So, I took a little walk.
And looked behind me and saw my own footsteps and realized I was not where I had been. Which meant I was going somewhere, probably. So, I gave up figuring out where that was and
just let go.
And then, I realized I am actually a little pissed off about the way everyone has been treating me, trying to threaten me with my own freaking phone or by implying they might come right in my own yard or to my own door to my own house.
The nerve of those guys!
I came home and I found your responses. And I read I was a hero in my life. And had stainless steel implements. And I am strong, as well as weak. And that I came through for my Mother.
Yay! Especially on the stainless steel implements part. You do have that stainless steel implements thing going on, Copa.
You are like Baklava grand in that way. She always did have that core of flexible steel in her, even when she was a toddler. That is why she is so courageous today.
She is amazing. She left us, this morning. I am sad, but excited to learn where she will take all of us, next.
We made her pumpkin pie last night because that is her favorite thing and she wanted that.
I am having a piece of it now.
So, I called M and with that, changed things a little bit. And he will go to his sister's and try to call my son from that number, to see if that same recording comes on.
Good thinking, Copa. I would have done that, too.
I will try to be gentle with myself, while I think about SWOT and Cedar, their strength, loyalty and love, resilience, humor, hope, faithful commitment, and friendship. Thank you.
And you too, Copa. We are able to do this because each of us is here. Each of us takes strength and changed perspective from sharing her story and from learning how similar are the stories of each of the others.
It never had a thing to do with us personally. Not with who we were or what we did or whether the whole thing blew up in our faces.
We are related to some really strange people.
We are learning the truth of that in sharing our stories. Next, we will choose what to do with these new understandings of our situations. We have been through the worst of it. Keep pushing, Copa and SWOT and I will too.
It's long past time that we clarified these issues that we have been trying to figure out, and that we have been taking the blame for and beating ourselves up over all of our lives.
Sweet. It is going to be so sweet, once we are our own for the first time, ever. Look how great those little places we have claimed already feel.
Why is that, Cedar, that there is no condemnation? That you accept that she is who she is by what happened to her, I understand. But do you not believe in good and evil, and that people are responsible for their choices? I do.
I never, ever forgive my mother what she chose. My sister, is such an outlier, such an alien, I do not know how I feel about her. And I do not know why I still spare her.
I don't want to carry around a load of bitterness or hatred, Copa. It makes sense that my sister would hate with pathologic intensity. Given what I now think I understand about how she thinks ~ about how putting someone beneath her is the objective in her every interaction, or about how to use others to reflect glory onto herself. I could be a non-entity, just someone she uses because I believe she loves me, until I was vulnerable. Then, both she and my mom unify against the weakened Cedar.
It doesn't sound very nice of me to say so, I get that.
But thinking like that results in every single strangeness falling seamlessly into place.
It fits too with my sister's shock and outrage at my saying true things during the long-threatened phone call.
I swear, she nearly had a stroke at the "exclusion" part.
This is from Out of the Fog and part of an article on invalidation. What do do if you are being invalidated. I assume this is if you have the unfortunate experience are actually facing them while they tell you your reality isn't real. Would be a hard spot to be in and it is a very shaming form of emotional abuse (per the article). And it IS emotional abuse.
This was the hurt in: "What would Cedar do." It was holding me up for ridicule because I wasn't You Know Who of course, but seemed to think I was, walking around trying to be a nice guy. And they unified behind that, my mom and my sister. My sister was the one who told me they said that. And she told me too that they laughed and laughed together about what they said, and about what they thought of me.
That still hurts. It makes me feel stupid and foolish and fraudulent.
F you, mom and sister.
Oh. I meant, "Pass the salt."
Strive for excellence - not perfection.
This is a really important point. It is in our own memories of our times of imperfection that they can do us in. But here is the thing I learned from your concept of emotional flashback, SWOT. We saw ourselves as imperfect because we could not fix the unfixable and popped ourselves back in time to some aspect of whatever the original trauma was in that instance.
Pass the salt, indeed.