Hi, IC
Thanks for the comment. I like it very much that you are here with us.
So, I have been thinking about the differences in all of us in so short a time. It was SWOT's feelings of rejection and the intense negativity in those old tapes playing and playing away on KFCD that had me thinking about that, I think.
That happens to me too, periodically. Times when the negatives are so strong seem to happen with the healing. I see it as trapped energy, released into consciousness. If we can hold ourselves with compassion, if we can listen for the exact words beneath the feelings, or for the voice speaking the words, or for a visual imagery that attends the words or feelings, then we stop condemning and free that energy for ourselves. If we continue to berate ourselves with whatever negative energy it was, it will be resealed, I think, so as not to contaminate the rest of us, the parts that are healthy.
That is how I see it. A risk, a cost, a freeing, and an acceptance. I find myself freer, more open, more my own, each time this happens. The feelings of contempt or hatred or fear were almost overwhelming in the beginning of our process here. They were truly overwhelming when I began with that first therapist. Then, I wanted to know how what had happened to me affected my child. Now, I want myself for my own.
That is what I know about those feelings, SWOT.
I wish none of this had happened to any of us, but we are reclaiming ourselves so quickly now. I am proud of every one of us.
So, I was thinking about that, and wondering about my progress and I realized I am not so ashamed, anymore. In that low rent sense Copa was posting about, I mean. In that sense of being dirtied by them and by who we all were and by who that makes me.
Grateful, that's who that makes me. An amazing thing, to have come from where we've been, to have arrived here, where we are today, this moment.
And I don't feel that sick spinning feeling when I think about the ugliness of it anymore without being aware of it or what it is, or the powerless ugliness of all of it, of how hopeless all of it felt underneath.
I have not been saying, "That'll do, pig." I think about when I used to say that, and I feel compassion for myself and a true understanding of where I have been. "That'll do, pig." was so much better than the wordless contempt, overwhelming and impossible to ignore. It is a process and it is a practice, and we all are doing so well.
What an extraordinary thing to not live that life anymore.
We are all getting better.
Hang on.
I looked at it today because the negative voices were kicking in: "You're a loser. "You're borderline."
No you're not.
Remember when we were posting about envy and pathologic hatred? And when you posted for us the term emotional flashback? That's what this is. You knew when you decided to be done with them once and for all that is was not going to be pleasant or easy or maybe, even possible.
But we are doing it, SWOT.
Whose voice is it, SWOT? Your mom, your sister, or your own? When this happens to me, like it did with "That'll do, pig." I am able to feel compassion, real compassion, for the way I've been hurt. If it hurts this much now SWOT, when you are a grown up person with a life and an identity and people who love you so much, and who depend on you to be just as you are...imagine how hurt you must have been when they hurt that little girl that was you in the first place. You were just a little kid, just an adolescent, just a beautiful young girl ~ and they did this to you, weakened and wounded and hurt this into you! I am at a point in my healing that must have to do with reclaiming anger and pride and stability. Instead of holding you up and helping you know how to be strong and self-sufficient, they intentionally hurt you.
What kind of people are these?!?
As I have gone through this process, the thing I see in common with all abusers, not just those cowards on the cheap without the chutzpa to abuse another adult so they turned against their own little babies, their own little girls and boys, is that everything is targeted to break us into more and more easily accessible receptacles for their stupid abuse. If they can hurt us with a look or a sneer, they are so lazy they will choose that. If they come face to face with someone who sees who they are?
They grovel and fawn all over them.
Everything we think we know is wrong, SWOT. The more they hurt us, the more they wanted to hurt us, those stupid cowardly people.
Those negative voices are wrong, are evil remnants of something so awful it should never, never have happened in the first place. Hear the, have them, and put yourself back together in defiance of them.
Does it have something to do with Bart, do you think?
I fell altogether apart when I felt powerless about my daughter. I was such a mess, SWOT. I felt so inadequate to the situation because I was in emotional flashback. I wasn't reacting only to the situation, but to the helplessness and the wrongness in my upbringing. That was how I felt as a little kid. When we need to be strong and centered today, we have only those stupid abusers to help us know how to respond.
So we break.
And there they are, those negative tapes, roaring away in our memories, trying to destroy us, just as our abusers would try to destroy us today if we gave them access.
We have all been through terrible, terrible things.
A sister convinced his father to sign over the parents's house to her NOW.
Does M have a sister like ours, Copa?
I had no sense of self at all coming out of my parent's house. I became whoever I was with. That's why I went along with my sister calling my brother gross and ugly. If I had the gonads of an...ant?...I would have told her to stop it, I loved my brother. Back then, I loved him very much. But back then I cheated too. I cheated so much that I didn't even know who or what I was
You had been taught that you did not know how to think, SWOT. You had been taught terrible things about yourself that you did not know were lies.
I am very sorry this happened with your brother. It is so hurtful to know where we broke and depersonalized them. I love my brother too by my adult's intent...but I think that magical kind of hero worship love most women have for their brothers was broken for me when I was a little girl.
I can touch the moment it happened; there is so much sadness there.
You always post SWOT that you were not hurt as deeply as the others of us. But you were, SWOT. It isn't the nature of the wounds, but that they exist, that gives us the right and the obligation too, to heal them.
I must be grieving my own brothers, today. It is a strange mix of rage at the abuser, shocking sadness, and regret.
Perhaps we will all recover into truly loving our brothers again, the ways we did when we were little girls and before we saw them hurt.
1. More than anything I want to be _______.
2. Most people are ________.
I put "good" in both blanks. I never would do that today, but back then all I wanted to be was the good girl that my mother said I wasn't. I so badly wanted to be good. And I had no core.
I was just reading an article on pathologic hatred. I wish I'd linked it here for all of us. I went back to look for it but did not find that exact one again. So, I will paraphrase: When children are confronted with evil over and over again, they recognize it for what it is. They fight not be become evil, themselves. They identify, and they want to be
I did that too, SWOT. Remember my posting about having chosen the Benedictine college because if I were not smart in some way I could not see and that is why this was happening to my daughter, then I would know.
And if I were evil, and that is why this was happening to my daughter, they would know.
Same for you, and same for me. Copa, if you respond to this paragraph in our discussion, I believe you will have made a decision for the good, as well.
We each, every abused person, whatever kind of abuse it was, has confronted raw evil. We have made a choice for the good. This too is something most children are not required to know at the level we know it. Most children choose for the good because they were instructed in how to chose for the good. We chose it without instruction, having been confronted with the wordless horror, and the powerlessness, we were exposed to as children.
It wasn't only that you wanted to be a good girl, SWOT.
You made a choice against evil.
I so badly wanted to be good. And I had no core.
Me, too.
You should have seen how much crapola I took from my first husband because I thought I deserved it and wanted him to love me.
D H and I went through that, too. D H has taught me so many things; I have done the same for him. He teaches me to respect myself; he stood in the fray when I could not.
Because after my Mother died, I came to feel that nothing about me mattered except as seen through her eyes. And that is the truth.
Is the excess weight a rebellion, Copa?
A punishment?
What would you hear, if you could hear your internal discussion, your KFCD tapes, around weight and appearance? Who would be speaking? What would be the expression on his or her face?
Can you explore this material safely alone?
Always remember Copa and SWOT, our objective here is not to punish ourselves, but to heal. We must take the position of the adult in our healing, and in our assessing what we need to heal correctly.
The feelings we have chosen to explore and release and heal are intense.
We must be wise, and we must be strong and wary.
And we must ask for help, when we need it.
Copa, I think you need to paint your toenails.
I am serious.
That helps me, to look down and see those pretty little toes, all flashy and bright red.