This beginning part of the post was written yesterday. It was so dark I didn't want to post it. But this is what happened, next: After sifting through it for the texture of it, and after tasting and savoring and spitting out and vomiting up the taste of that emotional place having to do with what it feels like to love someone who is hurting us...I awakened this morning to the tune of "Kung Foo Fighting".
And all I have to say about that is that little kid in my karate class who was giving me rib chops? Is going to be dealing with a whole new grandma karate person in future.
I'm just kidding about that one. I think I will find a different karate class only for adults, though. I would like to take that whole idea seriously, now. It
is about winning. Where my family is concerned, I mean. Not the little kid in my karate class.
And then, I found this. Family of origin stuff for me. It is a video of that song: "Can't Touch This".
Now, we are going back to what it felt like to have a look at my own heart, and the color of love. The videos and ect were added on second reading.
Here we go, then.
Interspersed with that (the color of love ~ the bruises and snaking black veins) were negative flashes from all the years; negative flashes of loss. Flashes of times when I stood up, when I risked, when I believed for the best and the responses were so wrong and I was left punch drunk, like Rocky with his eyes all swollen and his broken nose. And I started really getting it, how strong I have had to be, and how hard that has been. For you too, Copa and SWOT. All those punches we took; all those days that seemed so gray; all those nights we worried, or were alone with things we could never wrap our hearts around or see clearly enough to put away and so, we suffered.
We took the shame of it. But it was never our shame.
All those times when, once we made it through, we prided ourselves on our strength in surviving when what we needed, when what would have helped us, was to have been loved.
Something so simple; so easy a thing to do, to love someone.
And it came to me that I require love. That I require love to thrive. Not strength; not "I can do this."
Just like that, I see this, now. I require to be loved; along with that understanding came a changed perspective on all the times I have been condemned, instead. Those times should never have happened. In my life, I play with people who are out to hurt ~ people I call predators ~ because I sense the challenge in it and I try, every time, to prove my mother wrong.
What my mother did, what my father allowed, what my sibs continue to this day is evil, not wrong.
Pathologic hatred evil; a choice.
There is no disproving it; there is no changing it.
I don't need to interact with anyone who is out to hurt me or whose purpose it is to play a game. I should not be manipulated. I should not be treated as my mother and sister have treated me; I should never have been treated that way, at all.
That first therapist does bear responsibility for what he did in his capacity as therapist taking my money
to help me. Those were the parameters in that situation. I am the one who should have decided what I needed from him, and I should have named and condemned him rather than worried about the lust of vengeance and etc. That fear of my own vengeance response was classic abused child response. Hurt me, overpower and condemn me, and I will fear my own lust of vengeance.
That is a priceless thing, to know how that works.
I am angry now, about that therapist.
I am seeing from the other side.
Yay, me and you guys too. I imagine I would have carried that with me all my life, had I not been given the opportunity to return to it again and again, here with you two. Had I not witnessed SWOT's incredible growth with this therapist who is actively, knowledgeably, with competence and tenderness and determined intent, providing exactly what she needs to overcome everything that has happened to her.
That is what therapists are supposed to do.
If they do not do that, whether we have (apparently successfully) been manipulating them, then they are the wrong ones. Not us; not me. I note here that he did continue to take my money, even after that happened. I wish I had known better than to believe in him, and I wish I'd known better than to go back to him after that happened so I could figure out what I'd done that was wrong.
There was nothing personal to me in what he did to me. I was vulnerable. He was taking my money for a guarantee at least of safety and somewhere to figure out what happened so I could know what to do next and he couldn't even manage to do that.
Not so much a predator as a screwed up person himself. Screwed up people are not supposed to be doing therapy, or taking other people's money for services rendered when the services hurt them instead of helping them. When their daughters are in danger and their sons are about to fall, too.
So from now on, I am going to stop liking everyone and believing they can do better and etc. They are who and where they are by choice.
If it reeks, if they reek, that is on them.
And somehow, this all has to do with my mother.
So, that is what I found, after intimate examination of the way it feels to love the people in my life.
And I came away from it with Kung Foo Fighter and beneath it, the theme song from Rocky in my head. Only I am toward the end of the Rocky imagery. There is a point at which Rocky moves easily and breathes well and is strong.
So, isn't that an interesting thing that happened to me.
Here is yesterday's post. The one about the way it feels to love kids like ours, or to have come from Families of Origin like ours. The other thing that happened yesterday is that the men came to put the dock in. One of the men has known me since I was a young girl. (D H really wanted this exact house when we found it
though it is in the area where I grew up. My mother's house is something like twenty minutes away, on a different lake.)
And that was a very big mistake, when I agreed to move here for D H sake.
And the man asked about my mother, which is what everyone here does because the town is very small. In the past, in all of my life in fact, I have shriveled and blown away from myself when it comes to anything to do with my mother. I have been left trying to think of something to say when I am asked about my mother, or when someone has been talking with my mother and learns she
is my mother and then, tells me they have talked to my mother. And that though they may have known her, they had no clue that she was
my mother.
And she told them.
And I would feel dirtied by that.
And defenseless; and there was always that feeling of whore there.
And I know I should be a bigger person than to feel that way.
And I would die the death of the thousand cuts, because I would know my mother would make everything dirty and cheap and tawdry and wrong.
And she did try.
She did try, with all her heart. She tried with our neighbors and she tried with the ladies in my Book Club when I brought her there the time I came back early to be with her after my father's death. But the Book Club ladies were so excellent and they don't even know about my past or my mother. And she has never wanted to go there again, or even to attend when I host.
She says they are boring.
I see it differently, now.
I am so grateful to each of you.
Really, thank you from the bottom of my heart for witnessing for me, and for holding time for me, for checking and posting and listening and for caring about me.
Thank you so much.
Another thing I realized this morning ~ and this has been flirting around the edges of conscious thought for the past few days but I have not wanted to look at it so I just slipped into denial around everything to do with it ~ is that I have never liked my mom. I don't like to be around her. I don't remember a single time when spending time with her (or with she and my father, or with anyone in my family of origin, really) has been easy or enjoyable. It is stressful to be anywhere near them. I realize now that is an anxiety response and the difference this morning is knowing I have been correct, all along, in feeling as I do. I no longer feel guilty that I do not have that family I wanted and somehow, believed that since I didn't have it, I didn't deserve.
That is shame.
I resent the hours spent cleaning her house and feeding her children and etc. For heaven's sake, I was just a little kid myself; or that most special of all things, a young woman just coming into her awakening.
And I feel the same thing where my brothers are concerned. My mother destroyed everything she could in them too.
My sister.
Pathologic hatred. I get it that she was damaged, too. I also see though, this morning, that she has chosen that. Imagine anyone praying a circle of thorns around a young family when they actually believe, they and their religious cohorts, that they can make that happen.
Just imagine that; and that it was done to "bring me to the Lord."
Must be that same Lord she walks with to this day; the one who tells her every hate filled thing she does is permissible and even, desirable.
So I don't know how I feel about my sister.
I still see her, crying and so lost.
That they were capable of better, but refused me, chose against me, ridiculed and hurt me
and that somehow, that was my shortcoming ~ those feelings are gone.
My own mother is still out to abuse; to shame and dominate and hurt not only me, but everyone else in her life, too. That was key in breaking free of it: she does that to everyone in her life. She did it to my father with great cruelty and intent. She does it to everyone.
I believe there is a pathological hatred involved in everything my sister does. I believe that, now. I see the evidence in every interaction and in the choice to see me as she does, as they all do
and I realize now that this has so little to do with me, with who I am.
Sooo tired posted something a few days back on a thread in P.E. about having been whirled into brokenness through her daughter's abuse and naming her responsible and blaming.
And this morning, I could see that and apply it in my own life.
I had posted before that my vulnerability around the issues of my kids seemed to have keyed a predatory response in my ridiculous family of origin. I was correct. They did that and they do that and I am offended and ashamed
of them.
I have never thought of them in that way. I have excused and tried harder and been kinder and it got me absolutely nowhere anyone could possibly want to be.
And I am so surprised.
And I realize I don't even like my family or origin. There is a sensation of distaste for them, now. That is what I used to carry, for me. And I am not so sure I even like my kids, anymore. If they loved me enough, this would not have happened. None of this would have happened.
So, that is an inside out change in my thinking, too.
If I did anything wrong enough in raising them to justify what they have done, I would have found and addressed it by now.
The difference this morning is that now, I know this true thing. I know I would have faced it and done my best to change things for all of us.
Turns out I am neither a coward nor a fraud, after all. But when you are named those terrible things, you believe.
Anyway, back to the men who were putting the dock in.
Yesterday, I was able to respond, to his question about my mother, almost without thinking about it, that my mother and I have something going on where we aren't talking to one another again. Like it was no big deal.
And it didn't feel like a big deal. And that has never happened before.
Here is yesterday's post.
Copa, are you doing well?
I read on another thread that you are making concrete plans for changing lifestyle for a time. I like that for you, Copa.
It happens to me that after I have been in that FOG place, I get all involved with trying to make sense of our changed situation.
Guilt is a piece of this.
Loved tinged with regret is a piece of this. That feeling goes from bright, well-oxygenated pink to the deep, purplish color of a bruise. I realize that bruise is comprised of heart's blood; that is the color of the love I feel for my child, now.
Tinged, changed and colored by heart's blood.
Added this morning: And the color of my family is black threads of gangrene and rot and deadness.
Disbelief is a piece. Could it be true that manipulation is what passes between myself and my child now, masquerading as love?
Then...maybe I will choose not to love. Not my child, and not anyone else, either.
So that was yesterday's posting.
That is my progress report. If everyday I do some, we will be able to leave by Oct 1, I think. That is the earliest point that the studio is available.
A celebration, Copa!
WE DID IT, you two.