Well-Known Member
Hi and thank you, Cedar. Hi, Copa. Hope you're having a nice day.
Cedar, as those phrases came into my head, I did not believe them. The "you're borderline" almost made me laugh. A new one from my sister. I am positive I''m not borderline. Once I read the difference between borderline and CPTSD, I knew I'd never think so again because borderlines truly have no heart and that is so far from me that it's almost t he opposite. I have too much heart. Which is why I could not harden myself when my mother called me names or my brother wrote me a mean letter or my sister labeled me with a mean label or when I called MYSELF mean things.
With time gone without them, everything is gentler. I am in a world now with no negativity. I have nobody in my life who is negative. Amazing, huh? At Goodwill, you are not allowed to belittle or trash somebody else or you are fired on the spot. Therefore, at work, which CAN be a big place of meanness, everyone is his or her best self and caring individuals are hired. I have not heard anybody trash talk anyone else. It is a great sanctuary, along with my home.
When we refuse to let toxidity into our lives, I don't believe we are hiding from life. I feel like we are living life as it should be lived. Why choose to embrace those who are negative? Why choose triggers? Why choose a stormy day when one can choose sunshine a nd flowers? It is good for all of us to embrace goodness. Some dramatic people are good at the core. I was very dramatic at one time. I craved it. I was still good at t he core. But the drama was making me sick. I choose now and have for many years chosen no drama.
That's why I finally had to tell my sister I would not listen to her talking about her abusive boyfriend any longer. I was afraid for her. It caused tension withiin me. It was also stressful to hear about and it wasn't going to change. To this day, I am not sorry I made that decision. I had listened for a few years and it was stressful. I don't want to add stress to my life. I already have a higher than average ability to feel stress.
Now Bart's situation, not of his choosing, IS a stressor, but I'm pacing myself. I can't just not ever talk to my own son about it, but I an keep it tolerable. And I will.
I read something that helped me a lot, although I can't always do it. Forgot the book. Been reading a lot lately. It talked about how pilots were flying too high and crashing because they tried too hard to turn the planes around. This is probably not accurate about the airplanes...I don't understand airplanes and how they work...but you get the point. Finally a pilot got into the area of the sky w here he also started to lose control of t he airplane. Instead of trying to steer it to safety, he let go and just thought, "I can't control this."
The problem resolved and he survived.
Now, when I want to control a conclusion, I think about this airplane spinning out of control with no way to right it and just let life land where it does. No guarantee of a good ending, of course, but we can't control things outside of ourselves.
"Round and round and round it goes and where it lands nobody knows."
I feel this way about Bart's situation. No matter how t he judge rules, he can work it out so he can still have his son 50% of the time. It will be inconvenient and difficult, but it can be done. I told him, "You can do it. Don't worry about something that hasn't happened yet."
Haha. The pot (me) calling the kettle black, no?
It is my biggest stress. I have no other real stressers. I am also more aware of my emotional flashbacks. Now that I see them for what they are I just tell myself, "You're safe now. You don't have to worry."
Worry seems to just be a part of me, for no reason at all.
Cedar and Copa and anyone reading this, distance is great. These characters who tormented me seem more like vague cartoon characters now. Not real. Not powerful. Somewhere out there
doing their own lives, but not in my own.
Doing this online therapeutic cleansing has done me a world of good and will continue to and I can't thank you enough.
Cedar, as those phrases came into my head, I did not believe them. The "you're borderline" almost made me laugh. A new one from my sister. I am positive I''m not borderline. Once I read the difference between borderline and CPTSD, I knew I'd never think so again because borderlines truly have no heart and that is so far from me that it's almost t he opposite. I have too much heart. Which is why I could not harden myself when my mother called me names or my brother wrote me a mean letter or my sister labeled me with a mean label or when I called MYSELF mean things.
With time gone without them, everything is gentler. I am in a world now with no negativity. I have nobody in my life who is negative. Amazing, huh? At Goodwill, you are not allowed to belittle or trash somebody else or you are fired on the spot. Therefore, at work, which CAN be a big place of meanness, everyone is his or her best self and caring individuals are hired. I have not heard anybody trash talk anyone else. It is a great sanctuary, along with my home.
When we refuse to let toxidity into our lives, I don't believe we are hiding from life. I feel like we are living life as it should be lived. Why choose to embrace those who are negative? Why choose triggers? Why choose a stormy day when one can choose sunshine a nd flowers? It is good for all of us to embrace goodness. Some dramatic people are good at the core. I was very dramatic at one time. I craved it. I was still good at t he core. But the drama was making me sick. I choose now and have for many years chosen no drama.
That's why I finally had to tell my sister I would not listen to her talking about her abusive boyfriend any longer. I was afraid for her. It caused tension withiin me. It was also stressful to hear about and it wasn't going to change. To this day, I am not sorry I made that decision. I had listened for a few years and it was stressful. I don't want to add stress to my life. I already have a higher than average ability to feel stress.
Now Bart's situation, not of his choosing, IS a stressor, but I'm pacing myself. I can't just not ever talk to my own son about it, but I an keep it tolerable. And I will.
I read something that helped me a lot, although I can't always do it. Forgot the book. Been reading a lot lately. It talked about how pilots were flying too high and crashing because they tried too hard to turn the planes around. This is probably not accurate about the airplanes...I don't understand airplanes and how they work...but you get the point. Finally a pilot got into the area of the sky w here he also started to lose control of t he airplane. Instead of trying to steer it to safety, he let go and just thought, "I can't control this."
The problem resolved and he survived.
Now, when I want to control a conclusion, I think about this airplane spinning out of control with no way to right it and just let life land where it does. No guarantee of a good ending, of course, but we can't control things outside of ourselves.
"Round and round and round it goes and where it lands nobody knows."
I feel this way about Bart's situation. No matter how t he judge rules, he can work it out so he can still have his son 50% of the time. It will be inconvenient and difficult, but it can be done. I told him, "You can do it. Don't worry about something that hasn't happened yet."
Haha. The pot (me) calling the kettle black, no?
It is my biggest stress. I have no other real stressers. I am also more aware of my emotional flashbacks. Now that I see them for what they are I just tell myself, "You're safe now. You don't have to worry."
Worry seems to just be a part of me, for no reason at all.
Cedar and Copa and anyone reading this, distance is great. These characters who tormented me seem more like vague cartoon characters now. Not real. Not powerful. Somewhere out there
Doing this online therapeutic cleansing has done me a world of good and will continue to and I can't thank you enough.