She tells me that I have to let those go. I am sure I do but it is not my nature to do so. I am a problem solver by nature and by profession
I am a problem solver by nature and profession as well, EOOR. What I now know about this path you and I are on, is that you are going to have to redefine that for yourself, it may not have been in your nature to let go, but if you want to have your actual life back, you are going to have to learn how to do it. Al Anon is going to help you do it. You may want more help. I needed an ARMY of help because my inability to let go was profound and a deep part of who I was, as it is with you. Unhooking yourself from that is going to be hard, but if you want to be able to relax, enjoy, find solace and peace, have a fruitful and joyful life, you won't be able to hold on to that part of your persona. I know that sounds impossible, but it's not. I recall you having a strong protective attitude towards your daughter as well, she had health issues as a younger person as I remember and you were used to taking care of her. In my opinion, that is another facet that will have to change. Our enabling tendencies and our inability to let go are control issues, which, let's face it, many of us humans have those issues. And, when you are in your 50's and 60's it's no short order to change that about ourselves.
I looked at it like this EOOR, I could suffer endlessly over my daughter's choices, be resentful and angry at all of her behaviors, hold on to every misdeed in my rightness and feel guilty that I wasn't taking care of her after her life took such a harrowing turn when her husband killed himself...............I guess in some ways of looking at it, that's the only choice I really had..........but I just refused to be that person anymore, I refused to be dragged around by someone else's choices and bad behavior. And, I became WILLING to change, willing to do whatever it took to get myself out from under. That's what you have to do too. Just because you believe it isn't in your nature to let go, doesn't mean it isn't possible to do so, it's just going to be a bit of a challenge. You will have to develop a commitment to change. OR not. You can always continue in the direction you're going. But, as you can see, you are quite miserable.
You can make those changes EOOR. If I can make those changes, anyone can. I was the QUEEN of control, the PRINCESS of holding on. AND, to change all of that, I needed a village to set me free. One group a week wasn't going to do it for me, I had to have continual support. A 2 year long codependency group, weekly support groups, weekly therapy, 12 step groups in between, this forum, lots and lots of books, plus I amped up my health regiment of exercise, healthy, clean diet, yoga, meditation, acupuncture, herbs, you name it, I did it. WHY? I was not going to go down with the ship. I had suffered ENOUGH. I had parented enough. I had done every single thing, enough. And, I wanted OUT.
When you get to the place of a willingness to do whatever it takes to get you out from under your daughters chaotic, dramatic, insane life, that is when it will change. And, not a moment before. It is entirely up to you. And you will have to change. Because she is not. She may someday, but not now. You have to change.
EOOR, I'm sorry you find yourself back here with more struggles with your daughter. It sucks. It sucks on every single level. As a problem solver, solve this one by finding all the resources available to give you the opportunity to change, to detach, to learn to let go, to accept what you can't control and change and to find peace REGARDLESS of what your daughter is doing or not doing. You can do it.
Hang out here. We'll help you. Many of us here are former control junkies who had no idea what letting go even meant, let alone how to do it........and yet.......
we're doing it.
One step, one day, one moment at a time.