I bought my kid a tent today, he's homeless.


Well-Known Member
Hi, JMom. I could have been in your place. In fact, my son was homeless for three days but found an apartment where he slept on the floor with four other kids! And they smoked so much weed, it was called the smoke room. People are resilient in their own ways.
Thank you! How is your son doing now?


Well-Known Member
JMom, he is married and living 20 min. Away. They are pregnant. He has a daughter from another relationship and has his wages garnished for child support. He is working full time selling phones and loves it. But he is having major panic attacks and went to the E.R. last week seeking help. He also went to the mental health E.R. and the Community Services board, and his symptoms were not severe enough to be seen by a doctor. :( Then he found a psychiatrist online and made an appointment . The doctor prescribed lithium and inderal. I am proud of him for self-reliance and persistence. But we are concerned with his ever-present impulsivity and his wife's Princess demands. We are helping to pay the medical Bill's but technically, they owe us money. Still, I am relieved and proud that he us seeking professional help.


Well-Known Member
JMom, he is married and living 20 min. Away. They are pregnant. He has a daughter from another relationship and has his wages garnished for child support. He is working full time selling phones and loves it. But he is having major panic attacks and went to the E.R. last week seeking help. He also went to the mental health E.R. and the Community Services board, and his symptoms were not severe enough to be seen by a doctor. :( Then he found a psychiatrist online and made an appointment . The doctor prescribed lithium and inderal. I am proud of him for self-reliance and persistence. But we are concerned with his ever-present impulsivity and his wife's Princess demands. We are helping to pay the medical Bill's but technically, they owe us money. Still, I am relieved and proud that he us seeking professional help.
Terry, I am glad he is getting help! I don't know if he's ever tried it, but we learned tactical breathing in the police academy. It helps me come out of a panic attack. You breathe in through your nose for a count of 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 then exhale for 8. It will feel like you don;t have enough for an 8 second exhale, but you do. It helps you reach the air in the bottom of your lungs, gets oxygen to the brain and REALLY shortens the attack. hugs to you!


Well-Known Member

Depending on your son’s income and obligations, he could qualify for a reduction in his hospital bill. Wouldn’t hurt to ask them.


Well-Known Member
JMom, yes, he has been taught breathing but I have no idea if he uses it. Lately, he's been calling me in the middle of an attack. I have to try not to get sucked into it. It is so hard. He just cries and cries.


Well-Known Member
AppleCori, yes, I'm sure the hospital will reduce his bill. I will wait until that happens before I make an offer to him. :thumbsdown:


Well-Known Member
Hi all. I bit the bullet, pulled off the band aid. I told him he has a choice, sobriety or move out. He said he chooses sobriety. Let us pray 2019 is kind to us all. He is within $599 of the DUI being paid off. He has an alcohol awareness week of classes then he will be able to drive again. With his license comes a promotion at work and he will not need a driver. May 2019 keep Uber in business for our sons and daughters!

Good luck and blessings to you all in 2019, may your New Year be filled with love and light.


Well-Known Member
Congratulations on the book!

Has your son continued to do well and make good choices?
H iApple,
Yes, he is still at the same job, got his own apartment and visits us often.

I think he will always battle the cravings, but seems to be thriving!

Thanks so much for asking!


100% better than I was but not at 100% yet
So sorry!!!! I just realized I gave the wrong link. It's free for kindle unlimited users.

Not pushing for sales, just wanted to share my joy. If it helps even one mom to not feel alone, I feel like it counts!


I just got the "free sample". I'm reading something else right now but will definitely check it out. Congratulations to you! You were one of the first people I talked to on this site when I joined many years ago. I gained strength from your story back then!

My son is stable now too THANK GOD.

I agree he too will always struggle. I hope with all my might that I am wrong.

How old is Josh now?


Well-Known Member
I just got the "free sample". I'm reading something else right now but will definitely check it out. Congratulations to you! You were one of the first people I talked to on this site when I joined many years ago. I gained strength from your story back then!

My son is stable now too THANK GOD.

I agree he too will always struggle. I hope with all my might that I am wrong.

How old is Josh now?


Well-Known Member
He is 24, will be 25 in February. He should get his driver's license back next week. He has saved up enough for a truck. He can't wait to drive!

Merry Christmas to you all!


Well-Known Member
I know my son will struggle throughout life, but I am glad he's alive to hold, hug and be mad at. That's a lot more than others are experiencing with their children.

Merry Christmas, love and light to all.


100% better than I was but not at 100% yet
My good friend lost her son to a heroin overdose in July. He was 26 and had been sober for seven months. She is beyond distraught this holiday season.

She and I often talked about our sons. Thankfully my son was afraid of needles. That could be why he is alive today. His life was spared thankfully. Of course I prayed very hard during the bad times and I still do pray for him every day.

We have a lot to be thankful for. We have to find the things that we all have to be thankful for!

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