So, this is private chain of consciousness stuff that enabled me to touch another level. I posted it in case it will help any of the others of us.
That is one of the things that bugged me half to death about my own kids. They had all those things I needed and did what they did, anyway.
There has to be some connection between what I wanted for my kids and FOO toxicity.
For that, I could hate them.
It was an interesting thing that as I read this back, I got it that it could be interpreted to mean I could hate my kids for all they did not provide for me in the way of reputation and reparation of shame. I left it as it was, because I want to explore that a little bit.
Just in case.
I was writing (I think I was writing) about allowing hatred for FOO.
So...that is where the shame in the misery of what happened to our family, to the one D H and I created ~ that is the genesis of that shame response. Those stupid FOO issues.
There should be no shame response to something so tragic as what has happened to our kids.
Yet, I have been ashamed. I have been angry and defensive and broken and more. (Once I got over the shock, I mean.) I spent alot of those early times when either child was doing what they were doing in shock city.
Then, I went to work the next day.
Just as I had gone to school the next day after the things my defective mother would arrange for herself. I have posted that I believed she had not been able to help herself ~ that she snapped or something, and then did what she did.
But that wasn't true.
She had to know what she was going to do ahead of time
or it would have happened in public, too.
From anticipatory threat to fruition, hours and hours of it, really. She had to know what she was going to do, because we all certainly did. I can remember the taste of that. Like an adrenalin rush. Probably fight or flight preparation.
Isn't that something.
You were right, Copa. It is a whole other thing to be howled awake and abused. I was trying to think what I did, after. Did I go to sleep? I hope so. Children are resilient, so they say.
I hope I went back to sleep, and I hope I slept well, like the Buddha.
Life is strangely impersonal. Things unfold as they will. The only thing that matters is how I responded.
And I responded well.
There is a book. (The Jesus Incident by Frank Herbert ~ yep, science fiction.) In it, the heroine is drugged and tortured by the powers that be to guarantee that she will never rebel. They want to mark and break and frighten, not just her, but everyone who works for them.
Everyone goes through The Scream Room.
Part of the horror of The Scream Room is what the person being tested does, willingly or under duress, to those who are hurting her, and to those who are innocent. A film is made of each person's performance, so the person can never forget that someone else knows things about them that even they did not know about themselves. The theme for this character is: "I have to know. What did I do in The Scream Room."
And so, she regains her integrity.
Because she did not hurt anyone else.
Though she was hurt, she did not hurt others as she had been hurt.
I think that is what those of us abused as children need to know, too.
We need to know what we did in the Scream Room. Until we do know, we label ourselves coward and fraud and inept and out of control. We have that superiority/inferiority thing going on.
We have external locus of control.
Like the freaking abusers know what is better for us than we do.
For heaven's sake! I never thought about it that way before. That is what that is all about. Of course the freaking abuser would move the locus of control out of the core of us or we would have killed them in their sleep.
I would have.
Okay, so I am being a little bit of a bigshot, here.
I was in FOO group therapy. One of the women's (we all were women)
abusers snapped a Polaroid of her after he was done. She lived in horror that it would somehow be found, that it still existed somewhere. She described herself in the picture in the most awful terms.
The therapist told her that whatever she thought the picture displayed, what it would really show was a mistreated little girl.
The shame was on the abuser.
But the grown woman could never recover from the shame of knowing her abuser ~ dead and gone by that time ~ had been able to take that picture out any time he wanted, humiliating her, naming her what he made her into, over and over again.
That is how abusers think.
So...isn't that something.
We were probably the only people ever to take them seriously. And even us, once we get the hell away from them, remember, buried beneath the shame they sealed everything beneath, that they are really, really defective people.
That is the secret we know.
Probably that is why they hate us, now.
Because whether anyone else in our dysfunctional little families ever got it or not...we did.
And that is what is saving us, now.
Demanding to know what we did in the Scream Room. Refusing to accept that the movie is shaming on their say so. Demanding to know, whatever it costs us to learn who we are.
And learning it is the abuser who is the defective one.
Well, isn't that something.
So anyway, about whether I meant I could hate my kids for shaming me. Looks like I really did mean FOO.
So, that's good, then.