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I would tell you to step back and stay "done" only on the condition that Lil tell him what adjudication is and how important it is that he gets that covered. What he "chooses to do" is still up to him.I know Lil probably wont agree with this but I'm of a mind to step back completely and tell him to deal. As we're telling him this, also tell him that if he wants ANY advice from us on this to ask right then. If he needs any other legal advice he needs to speak with a public defender.
Yes, I am sure he is counting on that as well. There is no way to be part way "DONE".ut do I not even talk to the PA? I mean, if I can get the charges dropped or if we get him a lawyer who can get him some kind of deal...I don't want him having a record! Jabber and I always told him if he got arrested we would not bail him out. Literally. He'd sit in jail until court. But we also told him we'd help him all we could, hire a lawyer, etc. Well he's not sitting in jail, because he bailed himself out.
I don't know how to just let him swing in the breeze here. It is against every instinct I have...both as a mother and a lawyer.
Personally I find it more objectionably they he would stoop to stealing from his own family, but that is just me - and yes I have been through it but worse. (And why I feel it is worse)Its one thing to know that he will steal from us but another thing entirely to receive verification that he has moved on to more accessible if less safe targets.
As much as I feel for both of you, that your son is pushing on every single boundary that you have ever placed on him, I think done means done. I was thinking about it earlier - is it not the whole mashed potato incident all over again only with an adult this time? No matter how much expertise Lil has on law, do you really believe that if you step in and save him "this once" he isn't going to keep refusing to learn (eat the mashed potatoes?) What I think is every fiber of him is not going to take "we are done" or even worse he doesn't care or can't be bothered to think it out or who the eff knows infinitude? To be done, you have to be done. I know it frightens Lil, but isn't that the point? It will frighten Lil to the point of not being done, it's the lawyer in her. She wants to re-write the injustice here, while I hear Jabber saying there likely is none:
The best you can hope for is adjudication - but it isn't likely to help you any the next time, and just as there was ongoing theft in the home, the world is now his home and you can't save nobody from themselves (intentional bad grammar)I don't believe that he is innocent. He might not have actually stolen the blue rays but he was at least being a lookout. He had no money so why was he even there? You don't go to the store with a friend when neither of you have any money or a vehicle, not one that's 5 miles from where you are staying, unless you are up to no good.