Friends, I wanted to give you an update on difficult child. He FB messaged me and then he called yesterday about two hours after that. It is always from a number I don't know as he doesn't have a phone. And since my phone is also my business phone, I answer it.
There he was. I was grateful for the FB message before that said: I got it, thanks. (meaning the mail I took to the shelter last Friday) What are you up to?
I didn't answer the FB message. It was enough to know that he was alive. So when the phone rang, I wasn't too anxious, although I hadn't slept well the night before and I was really tired. Also, I said a woman at a meeting yesterday morning who runs a transitional program for women just getting out of jail here and now they have added a men's program. I approached her, introduced myself, and told her how much I appreciate her work. We had a good conversation, and I shared a bit about difficult child. She was very kind and supportive, and that shook me up a bit. I have learned that being tired is not a good foundation for me in dealing or talking with or about difficult child. I have to keep up with rest.
So, back to difficult child: he sounded good. He said he is looking for a job. (Okay, I didn't say a word, but really? It's been almost 30 days since he got out of jail. Come on.). He said he was going to a bread factory yesterday to apply with another guy because they heard there are two openings. i happen to know that the manager of the bread factory here is in recovery himself and he hires a lot of people who have been in "trouble." I said Good. He said he went to the PO last Wednesday and ended up seeing another person there instead of his assigned PO. He said my PO "gets" people jobs so I am seeing him on the 20th so I hope he is there this time. (I wanted to say: You mean you're going to just go along until then? I didn't.)
Ugh. I was holding back but I was questioning everything I was hearing. My mind was racing. (Some acceptance, huh? I have a lot of work to still do)
I asked a few questions (probably shouldn't have). He said he stayed last week for a couple of nights at someone's house. I asked if he was going to be able to stop using drugs without help. He said (pretty clear and firm), Mom, I'm not going to use drugs this time. I have had a lot of chances already and I haven't. I said, Well you know, if you do, you will lose any ground you have gained. That is what happens (name).
I am sure that was too much to say on my part. But I also know that he has used drugs, because he failed a test at the SA shelter, so you know how the incessant mind works: is this also a lie? What else are you lying about? etc. etc.
He said he has applied for a lot of jobs and has given my phone number. I said, well no one has called.
Is that even true?
Ugh. I was tired, and he appeared to be lying, and I didn't even really want to be knowing any of this, because all I do is pick it apart.
He also asked if I would go to his dad's house and pick up his W2s for him and bring them to the shelter. Evidently his dad left them outside over a week ago. I said no.
I just need to keep the distance between us as is for now. Also just turn it over. Turn it over. Turn it over. A million times if necessary.
I said I love you honey and I think of you every day and hope you are well. He said I love you too Mom.
Ugh. I wish (I WISH) I could get to acceptance of what is. Whatever IT IS is not going to be smooth and pretty and tied up with a little bow. That is never going to happen.
I'm getting stirred up just writing all of this. But I did sleep like the dead last night. I dreamed about snakes (???) but I slept all night without waking up until the alarm went off.
Later in the day he fb messaged me again to ask if I have an extra bike he can use. I waited a while, torn by my answer, and then finally messaged back. No, I don't have an extra bike. I am sorry.
So, here is the bald faced what I am thinking: he has spent the last four to six days on drugs (right after the PO visit Wednesday where I am sure he was tested) and now he is resurfacing and getting "back to it."
But if that is true, and i don't know and don't need to know if it is or isn't, that IS. What. It. Is.
One time someone told me: You don't need to wonder if a drug addict is using drugs or not. They are. That's what they do.
Ugh. One day at a time, friends. One day at a time.
But I'll say this to you now....over time, as it turns out that he is indeed not dead, you will be able to tolerate longer and longer stretches.
Yes, I did, Echo. This time it was 7 days and I didn't do anything about it. I didn't search for him or call the shelter. I did call the jail on Saturday. Progress, not perfection, right? You are right and I appreciate your counsel so much on this. Keep counseling me.
Cedar, COM, thank you so much for your kind and wise words. I did not mean to make this *ABOUT ME* once again, especially when you are in the midst of wondering about your difficult child, COM.
Alb, when I first got on this board, I am sure I hijacked a lot of threads. But I like it when others hijack because I learn from all of it. I learn from your top of mind thoughts about me and yourself in the mix. I don't know (still) if that is okay or not, but I know I do it all the time. So please you can hijack my thread any time (smile). It helps me!
thanks to all for listening. You are getting the ugly truth above. Thanks for making me feel safe enough to tell it.
Hugs and prayers and blessings for each one of us today. It is gray and cloudy here but I HAVE DECIDED that I am going to have a very good, productive day. So there!