Yes, so very expressive, and different.
I attend the powwow here most every year. I am drawn to indigenous people, from a very young age. I read "Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee" at 16, and was very disturbed of the mistreatment of Native Americans. That is another story.
As is my daughter, to this day. She has loved and been loved by the Native grandmothers, and heard their terrible stories. And she knows their senses of humor and though their reputation is for stoicism, they are so funny and deeply sincere, and with a different concept of time and value than our own.
Two of my grands are Native. One of the grandmothers has died, but I know the other. It was her son who beat daughter. When things were going well for them, he taught me a beginning drum refrain. It was very hard for all of us when this happened to all of us. And somehow we got through that horrible time and it is still a horrible time, for the other grandmother and for me and for him and for all of us. So, we are just as we are, two grandmothers flying by the seats of our pants with our hearts in our mouths and doing the best we know.
I have never been to a pow-wow. But I have been to a Native Health Fair. And oh, there was a Wind when the Medicine Man gave his blessing.
I was still very prejudiced then, but I didn't know it.
Cedar, at what point did you realize he had used meth? At what age was he?
When I looked up ice pipe, Copa. Son swore he hated meth heads and they were stupid and was offended when I learned about crack and asked him about that. He said he would never use crack, only cocaine.
He says he does not use drugs. But when his fiancee left him, she brought him home first and made him confess to us. And I was just so sure he was responding to our rotten parenting and I believed his drug use was recreational, was something having nothing to do with why he was so changed. And the ladies on this site worked so hard with me, Copa. And I just kept not believing. And when I finally did believe, that is when D H tried that last time.
And after that, son would come home. And clean up. And fall again.
But I believed him about the never using meth. And I knew meth was bad for teeth, so I would always look at his teeth and they were fine.
But I have heard horrible things about meth.
Horrible things.
Remember, for a very short time I used a form of meth too. Bennies they were called. But I would still stay up for days and sleep for days. As far as you know has he stopped or not?
I say yes, he has stopped Copa because he told us he is fat, now. The last time he was in trouble (for driving into a lightpole while high enough on whatever it was he woke up in the psychiatric unit ~ he said xanbars and Captain Morgan
while the kids were at home) (!)
Where was I.
He had to be on probation for a long time and have urine tests and he has been clean since, I think that is true.
So, I think that was last year or maybe, the year before.
But he tells us he is very fat now, and so is his person. Who is a beautiful girl. And who got fat too, so she tells us.
Remember, for a very short time I used a form of meth too. Bennies they were called. But I would still stay up for days and sleep for days.
So is meth speed? I think it is something worse than that, Copa. They smoke it. But it could be speed, I suppose.
Yes. Except I believe that they are taught that they are more special, in general, at the expense of others, not just me.
Yes. The eye rolling and brand names.
I will. It has been hard because my son tries to reach out to them, and I am sure he presents his woe as me, humiliated self. Where did he learn this? This only came to the fore after we learned of his illness, when it worsened.
This is what I know about this: My children were raised believing everyone is our people. Aunty Attilla is weird, but she is your aunt and she loves you. Cousins Attilla #1 and Attilla #2 are prone to public performance and to kissing adult a** but they are your cousins and blah, blah, blah. But as it turns out now Copa, my sister taught her children very, very different truths.
So your son believes he has cousins...but the cousins may have been taught to view him very differently. For instance, the issue of the wedding clothes. Those are the kinds of things I mean.
That is how it worked in my FOO and you could have blown me over with a feather when I realized it.
It still surprises me. But the pieces fit. The kids (ours) will have been taught the strangenesses of their relatives are to be overlooked and forgiven. In this, we were remiss. The cousins will have been brought up to believe they are better than. The mother sees herself as loving and kind because that is part of this.
Someone has to be in the dungeon at the center of the town.
It works, for them.
Maybe this is not true for your sister, Copa.
Do you really believe she taught them this, specifically using my name?
I am being so mean about your family. I am sorry Copa. I could be wrong in every way that matters. Based on what I have learned these past months about my sister, I do not believe they need to mount an attack. Instead, there will have been subtle emotional shifts created through eye rolling and alliances with new husbands and presentations of us as less than through our mates, who will have been berated viciously and openly.
I saw the same pattern of attack on the man who wanted to marry my mother.
Watched my mother lie to and about him and eventually, come to believe her own stories.
That is why, when my mother had the man in her home again during the summer months, my sister called to tell me "we'd" been "duped".
She believed her own stories, even to believing my collusion in them.
This pattern seems to have held true for each of the three of us who began these explorations on FOO Chronicles.
Whatever plans are made, the sisters will behave inappropriately and we will, once again, have forgiven and forgiven and torn into ourselves over how we went wrong.
Eventually, as the sisters solidify their power bases, there will be open ridicule and secret accusation. In my sister's case, there was targeted contempt in her response to my daughter's situation and my sister's blatant communication to me to let me know that she "knew everything already". But there was no effort to support me through what was happening to my daughter then or before that or afterwords and worse still, there was active scorn for my drug addled, brain damaged, homeless daughter.
Blood in the water and any attempt at subtlety is gone.
D H believes they do not realize they are lying.
This could be true.
In any event, the children will believe the mother.
The only evidence you will have is that, no matter what you plan, things just never seem to come out right.
That is not an accident.
It is Happy Hour here, Copa. We are having company for dinner.
I will write more tomorrow.