I am sorry for my imposing on your conversation, but can't help myself because it strikes a deep chord.
We welcome you, Leafy. With all our hearts.
This is heartbreaking imagery of your father, clunking up the stairs. It helps me to envision that frightened or so alone little girl that I was. So, for you, that would be lying in bed as a child, hearing Frankenstein clunking, clunking closer. Then, I insert myself as I am, today. I assure her that I am her. That we made it. That, as I am there with her now, I was always there; I was there with her then.
The intensity of feeling evoked is disturbing. Initially, the child I hold in my memory is ashamed to be seen by me. The feelings are so intense. I simply listen, I assure her that I am who she grows up to be. Here is a secret: She thinks I am beautiful.
And she is so ashamed to be herself.
Those are the feelings we encompass with compassion for that frightened, so perfectly beautiful child that was us.
There is poetry regarding my process on the Family of Origins thread, Leafy.
When you are home again, and ready, I will reference it for you.
You will share yours too I hope, as you become comfortable with us. What you will find I think, is that every frightening or shameful image is coming up for you to heal that little girl. As you come through this, you will see, as we have, that these images, these keys to healing, seem as familiar to you as can be.
They have been there all along, waiting for you to decide to cherish yourself.
One of the things we have learned is to see ourselves through our own eyes, and never again through the eyes of those who hurt us. That is a very hard exercise, but so valuable. Each time we review a disturbing incident through the abuser's eyes, we retraumatize ourselves; we seal everything in another layer of ice. For the more difficult things I had learned about myself, I required witness, before i could see the wrongness in whatever it was that happened ~ someone who would know that what was happening to that little girl that I was, was so very wrong. So, I created them: Maya Angelou is my primary witness. Her writings are here to be found; her story is as bad as or worse than our own
and she came through it, whole and wonderfully strong.
We are meant to heal, to be whole, to reclaim our selves and have all that amazing, roaring energy we have spent keeping everything frozen for our own; so we can celebrate being alive in our own lives...often, for the first time, ever.
This site is anonymous. It is a safe place to heal. As we heal, we will see and approach our children as the stronger people we've become. We will not respond from brokenness or weakness or disappointment. The kids are scared, too. The kids are disappointed, too.
Challenges all over the place.
So, that is why we decided to reclaim ourselves.
We need to be stronger now than our roles would allow.
So, we are coming real.
It's way better.
Scary, though.
That each of us shares her story, that each of us has witnesses to her pain and her triumph, is why this works, Leafy.
Truly you are most awesomely welcome; each of welcomes and is welcomed.
Finally, for heaven's sake.