Well-Known Member
I am tired and it is late so I do not know how I will get through all of these quotes after taking benadryl 20 min ago.
The other possibility that he be hospitalized and treated, is of higher probability.
A time will come when you wear yourself out. You will realize that you control nothing, except yourself, at least to some degree.
You will come to a time when you realize that the possibility of hope and faith are there for all of us. Even you.
There is the hope that your son will find help and be able to accept it. There is the hope that all of our children will find their way. There is the faith that no matter what, with each other we will be able to respond with courage and grace and responsibility and love to what comes.
Feeling, he was afraid in your house. Now he is afraid, but there is hope for him. You keep forgetting that.he is afraid out there.
He will be noticed. He will be hospitalized. He will receive treatment.But, sadly, most in the mental health field feel strongly that they quickly go downhill because of the stress.
Yes. That is a real threat. But the statistics are not that high, as I recall.My biggest fear now is his committing suicide because his voices tell him to. This is a very real threat.
The other possibility that he be hospitalized and treated, is of higher probability.
By worrying you have the illusion of control. It is illusory, only. On some level you must feel that if you stop worrying, you are falling down on the job.I worry now about him and I worried when he lived with us about his hurting my youngest son.
So far, it has been difficult. It will get better when you let go of this false idea that you can control outcomes through worrying. The only effect is it is agonizing and wearing you out. It is not good for your health. Your children need you. You need you.It is impossible to let go of all of the worry.
Yes, now you are talking. This is the likeliest outcome. There are no guarantees for any of us. I feel in my gut this will happen. I hope so.I will only see him if he is brought in or if he somehow gets help and gains insight.
A time will come when you wear yourself out. You will realize that you control nothing, except yourself, at least to some degree.
You will come to a time when you realize that the possibility of hope and faith are there for all of us. Even you.
There is the hope that your son will find help and be able to accept it. There is the hope that all of our children will find their way. There is the faith that no matter what, with each other we will be able to respond with courage and grace and responsibility and love to what comes.