Feeling Sad
Well-Known Member
I told him that. He still feels like he is "not even acting like an adult". He is very hard on himself... He feels that he can do it on his own.
And that alone would be reason to seek help.I told him that. He still feels like he is "not even acting like an adult". He is very hard on himself...
If he feels this way... what is his plan, the timeline, and the fall-back plan if it doesn't work. If he has those three things in place, he may be able to do it on his own. Otherwise, its just a stall tactic.He feels that he can do it on his own.
Hi Everyone - just checking in. Nothing new to report. It's been raining constantly today so cleaned and started to put up Christmas tree but ugh, just the thought...not quite ready to drag all that stuff out - not jolly enough yet. My emotions are wearing me out. Wish I could put my mind on MUTE and let it rest. Worrying and thinking about my Difficult Child...I feel like poltergeists are in my brain going non-stop (remember in the movie where they open the closet and toys and flying books come at them?). That's my brain.
Hi Feeling,
If you are reading I miss you and hope you are well, and your sons are well, too.
My middle son up North has been on antidepressants for almost 2 weeks...2 more weeks for full effectiveness.
Good, mature, responsible actions. I am glad.He also has started to use a tutor
Great.I have been very good on a low carb/sugar diet and have tried to walk and exercise more to fight my pre diabetes.
Oh. How scary.was my tumor growing back?
Oh dear. What a good son, he is.We had to wait 7 hours for the brain scan.
Thank goodness. I am glad you got those medical things done. Remember we resolved to do all of those good things. You did them all. I did none.The CAT scan came back fine.
Oh dear. You handled it well, though.Also, my youngest son wants to move out.
Feeling, what about a dog? Do you hate them? Remember my list of all the wonderful non-allergenic breeds, including the Chinese Crested Hairless?But, down deep...I am petrified.