I am not 100% sure while you are afraid to live alone.
This is an interesting statement by Serenity. At first I wanted to chime in, "because Feeling is afraid of her son who has paranoid schizophrenia." But it is so much more than this, is it not?
There is the residue of fear from your sister. And how your parents dealt with it and your own needs, which seem to have not been seen. And your other sister. And the marriages. The abuse by your first husband and indifference of the second. There are the years of abuse by your eldest son. Yes. He was ill. But he abused you. What he did to your beautiful garden. Your home. You are abused, Feeling. Not to mention your brother.
And it seems that you may fear that there is something in you that may call for it. Or if not that, responsible for enduring it. Which are forms of self-blame of which I am quite familiar with. Because I do it.
And now with constant fearfulness, the possibility that some of your fear and dread, is coming from inside of you, from the past, what you have endured, and become a part of you. Over above the possibility that your son could hurt you. It is hard to tease out what it is. Which is which. What can be left behind and what cannot.
So, I see now the complexity in Serenity's question.
I am interested in this today because I am dealing with my own confusion about my own experience and where to go from here. I cannot even begin to untangle it.
Or alcoholism and drug abuse. Or hints of violence. You too can be happy.
M was an alcoholic. He does not drink now. He has not had alcohol for 4 years. Except that which I put in cake. But he asked me to stop. He was drinking some when I met him. He stopped in the relationship with me. He also had 19 years sober when he was married and raising his children. He began to drink very young. His father always drank. And was abusive. (And still is.)
My sister is married to a man who was a drug addict, now recovering. He was sober before she met him. I have posted about M trying to scare me physically (I was not scared. I was mad). It happened the last time fairly recently. Maybe 2 months.
And as far as not committing quickly, we fell into commitment by circumstances. He still has a wife from who he separated 12 years ago, and has not seen since then.
I did not follow any of Serenity's advice. And lamented it. And have not.
The way I look at this is somewhat confused, too. I believe we choose people with whom we can workout our pasts. Where there is the hope we can work out the hurts of the past and get what we needed, and lacked. I also believe that we are limited in who we choose by our own sense of ourselves as damaged or undeserving. At least I was.
I guess I am saying the same thing as is Serenity: That people do change. And they can change together.
Sometimes it is hard to know what is right or wrong. You know that saying. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Sometimes what should be, is only worked out over time. It is not "in" one person or another. It can be created. It may not exist at the beginning of a relationship. The potential of it.
There may be another person who is afraid like you. And you are stronger than he. Or there could be a person out there, who needs to care for somebody. Who may have failed before, but wants to try again.
There are many failed, scared people Feeling. Who want to become whole and to recover. And do. You are not alone.
PS I thought I put my best line in here but I do not see it. Maybe it is in another post. If it is I will use it again. At a certain age everybody who is available is a reject. Messed up. That is a good reason to hope. We are all in the same boat.