I sense that you are all getting frustrated with me because nothing is happening to change anything. My kids don't want to leave, except for the one going to college, but he doesn't want us to divorce. I'm beyond frustrated, myself, I don't even know a word for it.
Last Friday husband went to difficult child's graduation. He heard nothing but how wonderful difficult child is. difficult child was voted by his classmates (abt 50 in the entire school--a day military school) as the one the rest of the school was most likely to entrust their lives with.
I am not scrwing with you. I am not making this up.
He's so nice, so polite, so friendly, so helpful...
And that's the night husband found the three knives in his room: his desk, his hamper and his underwear drawer. Saturday we went to Orlando to look for a condo for the kids going to college. There were no incidents with the kids watching him, he stayed in his room with the alarms on the doors and the kids gave him a sandwich in his room at lunch and brought him Wendy's for dinner. We thought it best there was no question of him roaming the house. The bathroom is across the hall from his room and he was watched back and forth to it. No problems.
Next morning his sister woke up and there was corn syrup poured all over her floor, bed and feet. difficult child of course said, how could I get out? My window is sealed and there's an alarm on the door. This proves it's someone else.
(We have 1978 thin windows. For efficiency until next year when we can replace them we have very heavy thick plastic sheeting taped over the windows to the frame. Taped with a lot of heavy very sticky tape--it's ugly but it works)
husband believed him. I said
again, "He's going out through the window and coming in the doors downstairs". husband wouldn't believe it. The alarm was on, it didn't go off, the window was sealed and he said, "I defy you to untape the window and retape it neatly". I said, "When it gets hot, the sun loosens the tape and it's easy."
Well, we tried in mid afternoon Sunday. I easily peeled the covering off. husband stood there saying, "Yes...but it has to go up the sides, not just the bottom...(then I did that)...yes, but the window has to open higher...(then I opened it all the way)...yes, but how can you get it resealed...(and I did that too)". So husband believes.
I'm thinking about calling DCF myself and spilling my guts. CPS which is a subdivision of DCF already has a huge file on difficult child because of all his abuse allegations. It's sort of scary because it's like walking into the Lion's Den, difficult child has accused
me of being the cause of all his troubles, he's said I abuse him. And while we've been cleared, there was one horrible, terrible experience...we were quickly cleared but the CPS lady harassed and threatened us for a long time.
I am also worried that instead of taking difficult child out of the home, they will take the other two minors out of the home, my 15 year old and stepdaughter 9.
And if I talk to DCF I would like it to be 100% confidential, not even released via subpoena to the family, ie, my husband and difficult child. I'm worried he'll find out and it will be an ugly, ugly divorce in revenge, or difficult child will find out and take more direct revenge.
So I'm working this through. I have NO confidence in the system.