Yes...I now know two things for sure.
1) He's a thief.
2) He's a stupid thief.
He not only admitted that he went to Wal-mart to steal the DVD's, but that he did it because he had no money and he intended to sell the DVD's to whoever would buy them. He was the one who picked them out and handed them to the other guy, who then unwrapped them and pocketed them.
And he told the cops everything. I mean everything. They asked him if he knew the other guy was going to unwrap and steal them and he as much as told them not only yes, but that it was all his idea. The other guy told them it was a spur of the moment thing. Our son told them it was the entire reason they went there.
Does it make me a bad person that it bothers me so much that he told the cops everything? What can I say? I'm a lawyer.
Maybe I'm dwelling on that because I can't quite process the other. I truly, honestly thought that we'd find he was the lookout...that it was the other guy's idea. I even had this image in my mind of him looking at the guy all big-eyed and shocked. That the theft was his idea really hadn't entered my mind.
But it was and I'm not even upset. Maybe it'll hit me later, but right now I'm just ... fine. I don't know why this is so much different for me than stealing from us was. But I actually hadn't thought he'd steal from anyone else. Kind of like he just yells and screams at us. This is so far outside of my thought process that I can't even wrap my brain around it.
"I had no money, so I'm going to steal stuff and sell it." That would just not even enter my mind. Ever. He should have had enough food and cigarettes. He had a roof over his head. But even if I were out of food, even if I were hungry, I would beg before I would steal.
I guess I just don't even know how to I'm not feeling anything.
I do know one thing, I'm not hiring a lawyer. I don't know if the public defender handles municipal misdemeanors...and this is in municipal court...but if they don't then so be it. I might, MIGHT, be willing to ask the prosecutor to consider probation, but at the moment I don't intend to even do that. He can take his lumps. If he gets fired, so be it. If he goes to jail...well, so be it.
Go ahead. I can make another. Arrr Matey!
(I actually can't make another...but I'll lift my skirts anyway.
