YES!!!!!! My son would steal everyone at home blind and was great at making us doubt it. But if his stuff was missing, even if it turned out later that it was misplaced, well, somebody else must have stolen from him, although nobody else in the family ever stole. Trust me, he never said, "I'm sorry I accused you of stealing."
My best friend's mom once said, "Those who accuse, do." She was talking about cheaters, but I think the logic applies. They do it, so they assume everyone else does too.
My husband was so alone through so much of this. Had he not determined to try every single thing he could think of to save our marriage, I would have left it because without the kids, nothing made sense. Nothing mattered. I had failed, and the marriage turned gray to me. My husband is the one who brought it back, who somehow just kept being there whenever I could stop looking at the kids and see him.
My poor darling husband has put up with so much. My tears and my enabling and my justifications. I have not made my son better in the last two years. We should have been more proactive. I should have been stronger and stricter. But since it has gotten to the point it has, I have spent so much time dealing with it, dwelling on it. He's dealt with cranky moods and sad moods and anger that should never have been directed his way and weeping...more tears than anyone should shed.
I know Jabber will read this, so I'm going to say it for all to hear:
I love you more than any other thing in my life and I know that I act sometimes like I'm the only one hurt by all this. I'm sorry for that. If I get too wrapped up in my own hurt and pain and ignore you...Don't let me! Don't let me ignore you and how you feel. Please know that I don't do it on purpose. Because I know deep down that we can't fix what's wrong with our son, though sometimes I still need to try, and it's important that we don't let US get broken in the process. Hold on to me when I'm slipping...I'd be lost without you.
We've had a relatively quiet week since the bomb dropped Monday. A few texts...mostly initiated by me, telling him to try the PD...but since he hasn't told me they won't do it because it's municipal, I guess he hasn't. He texted this morning, asking what time it was because his phone was wrong...that was it. It's been nice. Him living his life and us living we should be. (Knock On Wood!) It won't last, but it's been nice. Tomorrow we plan to go to visit with the folks in the medieval reenactment group we used to be active in. Today is relax and maybe do some laundry and grocery shopping.
It feels good to push all this to the background.