It will always be a game to them, and the trick is, I think, not to be a pawn on their chessboard., of black and of white mitered Bishops
played on a Board universally black
The white Child steps forward ~
steps forward; never
look back
In a way, looking back turns us into pillars of salt. That is what we are about here on FOO Chronicles maybe. Bringing a blush of life into the cheeks of the frozen in time, pillar of salt self. We have to be very strong to counter the imagery of self our abusers will have hurt into us for their stupidly reprehensible "win".
As I am coming through this part, I am hurt by the cheapness of the thing won; hurt by the unbelievable worthlessness of the things bought with my pain.
Copa, somehow this figures in to what you are doing in your internet buying. I am certain this is part of your healing. I remember your posting about the jewelry; about its meaning and value and whether it had been given and to whom.
I am tearing up now because I am recalling the buying of scarves to establish my value. I feel very sad for us, each of us, who never knew what it was to be loved by a mother in the way we loved our children. I feel sad for the women we were and are who walked through the world without the armor of a sense of securely held value and may still. (I will have my Hermes scarf to protect me. I do not even care if it is ugly.) I feel sad for myself who still cannot give herself order and cleanliness in her lovely home.
Copa, you are extending mercy to yourself.
Sacred ground.
I am so pleased for you, Copa.
I am hurt that they (my own mother; my own sister) do not love me. But I love me, now. Like Copa is too, I am beginning to fall in love with me, now.
But I needed to be away from them for a very long time before I could begin to see myself with mercy; before I could believe even get it that love and contempt and the fear of the shunning do not have to be all we allow ourselves.
I needed to confess what had happened to me at their hands; I needed to learn why it happened. Was it me? (A version of: Who is the liar here, me or...could it possibly be my mother?!?)
To do that, I had to risk learning that I was worth no more than they'd taught me.
It was surprising, to realize they were wrong. Once I understood the nature of the wrongness committed against me, I began to heal.
Tomorrow will find me
a prisoner
Locked from sight
from scent and sound
of you.
It was like that.
*** your professional life you worked with imprisoned people.
Might this be a valuable imagery for you to explore? I remember your posting that you felt no fear; that what you felt was love. Could it be that you were finding value in and coming to love the imprisoned parts of yourself?
I have so little control over most things, and no control at all over the value they place on me. It seems I no longer seek their forgiveness for thinking as I do, now. Interestingly enough, I no longer grant them my own.
In that I am healing, there is nothing to forgive...and none of this matters.
Because (maybe this is true) they are not who I believed they were, either.
Just as they must believe I will always be someone who could be hurt into whatever they require by shunning me and reappearing to threaten me with more and then, shunning me again. (I am thinking about Serenity's sister. The way she mistreated you Serenity, but at the same time kept reappearing. Like a spider in the bathtub. That sudden, scary feeling.) This time, because of FOO Chronicles and by my own choice too ~ and by my bravery too you guys, in facing up to some pretty scary stuff (well, your bravery too, but we are taling about me, here :O) ~ I see both them and myself so differently, now.
Just something that happened, once. I am thinking this must be a form of denial, must be a way to incorporate what I've lost with what I have left. I am grieving the loss of my mother, and of my sister. I am grieving the life I believed myself into holding faith with. In so many ways, I cannot believe these terrible things have happened to me.
But they did.
That is why we have to be as honest about things as we can while we are healing. Once we come through it, the only thing we have is ourselves. It isn't that the loss of my own mother and my own sister are unimportant to me, or that I don't feel the sting of them, gone out of my life even in my hopes for the future. It feels more like I hoped good things, but those things are behind me, now.
It's kind of like Joseph and the coming out of slavery, Copa.
But I am not all the way through and think I might only be at the beginning of this part.
I will read Joseph and the slavery story, again. But it feels less important to figure out what happened, why it happened, how it could be that they don't love me.
it is more about trying desperately to fill a void within themselves, that only they can fill, by loving themselves.
It is a very hard thing to learn to love ourselves if we have been taught, by a parent or a mate or a sister or brother or friend or employer ~ or by someone in a volunteer organization ~ that we merit contempt. Contempt is the secret cut abusive people routinely employ. Maybe the answer there is what they say: Have nothing to protect. A person would have to be very well adjusted to have nothing to protect. When I write about my family of origin excluding instead of including, I am writing about a family which employs contempt as its fulcrum, instead of love. It could be that the primary abuser has been held in contempt so thoroughly and so routinely that they cannot love themselves. This could account for their cruelty. But whatever it is, when we are targeted by those who hold us in contempt, we have only two options: to feel the shame of what has happened to us and work through it until we have nothing to defend from and thus, nothing to protect (and here, the danger is that our senses of self will come to be held hostage to the merciless initial abuser ~ which is what happened to us, I think), or to pretend we weren't hurt and aren't bleeding.
But we are bleeding.
Something must be done...but, what?
How to heal from what has happened to us?
Once upon a time, in a faraway land where time and distance had lost all meaning, there were born to the peasantry a generation of female children whose task and whose talent it would be to unravel the tangled skeins of deceit, viciousness, and trickery that bound the hearts, the souls, and the bloodlines of those families into which each would be born.
I always believed that story meant we would all come through it, healed.
But that isn't what it says, is it. It only says we will know.