I am a basket case today. I have a terrible migraine. I went back to bed and got up to remember Dolly has to go to the vet. I feel desolate with all of this. What has happened to me?
You are coming through multiple force fields, through artificial prison walls and into freedom, Copa. Take all the time that you need. This is an internal process. You can function beautifully in the outside world.
This is why the scarves, now.
Work and Germany will help you now. Very important to see it that way.
When chopping onions just chop onions.
Focus. Let it happen. Behave pleasantly in public. Journal or post here but mostly journal lest privacy be shattered and sacred ground mocked or cheapened. It will be worse before it is better but it will be better. This is an opportunity. If you were not strong enough it would not be happening now. Sit with the feelings. Proceed with your day. Concentrate on the task at hand. These are the times they write about when they say if you do not want it as though your hair were on fire, do not begin.
Remember when I was posting and posting about shame and what lived beneath it?
That is where you are.
Good for you Copa.
You will come through this.
I did.
My grandmother died in 1976. You remember that story so I will spare you. I was with her. So there was money. But my mother controlled its distribution. Without an attorney or a trust. She told me I could buy furniture. Only that. Nothing more. Or less. I could not buy clothes, or pay a down payment on a house. Or travel. Furniture.
We have been badly, badly used, Copa.
What would a young unmarried want with furniture even if she did have it. No one wants to think about furniture until we decide to make a home.
That was nasty of your mother on so many levels.
Umberto Eco, The Name of The Rose. You would love it. I know you would.
I did love it, Copa.
Perfectionism is an indication of external locus of control.
Until one realizes that the peril is imagined. It is the internal ground or screensaver that lives inside ones head. What normality is.
The peril is not imagined. The peril is complex PTSD. Grown men soldiers, tortured and imprisoned, come home with PTSD and it destroys their lives.
We didn't get to come home.
We were home.
Hold strong for that little girl that you were, Copa. That is how scared she was. She is safe enough now to let you know it, too. Don't let her down.
I know you will not.
Copa, this is how you send yourself back to prison. I do it, too. Perfectionism. And perfectionism is not about anything real. Perfectionism is about having been tormented when we were little kids. I think you should take it seriously, because it is serious, but I wonder what would happen if you listened to the negative tapes on this one. I wonder too Copa how the luncheon with the rotten sister figures into perfectionism around this dinner.
D H said: "Tell Copa she is still in bed. She needs to get up."
I awakened this morning thinking about rage and vengeance and having been kicked and why did I stay there. I don't remember being afraid to leave so much as I felt hopeless. I felt responsible for so much. Were we literally afraid to think, Copa. Are we, literally, afraid to think ourselves out of these boxes, today. Had it been possible, would I have spent my beautiful life living in that house with my mother? Cleaning for her, cooking and laundering for her, and being beat and pinched and kicked by someone who turns out to have been a wicked, evil person who knew better but chose an immoral choice ~ but chose thousands of immoral choices to justify her own evil impulses?
Somewhere within us Copa, that mindset is what we are fighting now. Some immoral something that got its claws into a little girl.
That prisoner mindset. Gift from mom. That was our real inheritance, Copa.
Remember the poetry about the prisoner? What will you see Copa if you search for the prisoner's eyes, for the stars in them?
I love this imagery for you. I love the tension between what was and what will be. It isn't the dinner you are afraid of I don't think Copa. It's the urge to come out as yourself to this audience who will never understand the necessity of a Hermes. It isn't the dinner so much as it is finding motivation for a dinner that is not a challenge to our finest skills.
That's what I think.
You are moving so fast now Copa. I think you are doing beautifully.
M should not be looking at you with contempt. Never. Not if you wake him and not if you did not come to bed and not if you are not better. That is not M's business or purpose in your life. If he is not who you need him to be, out he goes. Contempt. No, Copa.
Not contempt.
He has no right.
That needs to be addressed.
There is no trust without respect. There is no love without trust. You cannot respect a man who looks at you with contempt.
I am working today. I will write more later Copa. I am excited for you. You can do this Copa, and you will. Keep your focus on listening and witnessing for yourself. I read in one of your posts here about the your mother and the hangers.
I am there with you, Copa.
I am witnessing that because I know how to know just how wrong and contemptuous a thing that was.
I see the greed in her, and the wickedness.
She was not punishing you, Copa.
To do that
to a little girl or to a beautiful young girl or to a young woman is not punishment. It is sadism with all that implies. dominance. The final evil is that these people into whose care we'd been given hid then and hide, still, behind the wonder of motherhood. But behind closed doors, when they were alone with their children and when there were no witnesses, we paid.
We cannot undo it now Copa.
But we can name the abuser.
Remember Buddhist Copa, and work. Remember Germany. You picked this, Copa. Determined intent.
I am proud and happy for us both.
My mother used hangers too, Copa.
I can witness for you on this one beautifully. You will come through it this time supple and strong because I will bring Maya and the black lady from Matrix and Lisa, too.
I think I know why you are buying again, Copa.