Scent of Cedar *
Well-Known Member
I know I created a destiny, too, but so much I was exposed to was by accident. There was no intent, just "being there" which is a wonderful movie about the same type of character.
It was the way he defined his situation, Copa. That is what mattered, in Forrest Gump. So many times lately I have found myself feeling blasted. I remember that scene from Forrest Gump. Bubba has been shot. Bubba says, "Why'd this happen, Forrest?" And the simplest answer, and the best: "You got shot, Bubba."
And then, Forrest did the next right thing.
And the next.
Bubba was still gone.
He got shot.
Cannot change the past; cannot change one thing about any of it. But we define ourselves in how we see it.
We can do the next right thing.
Forrest doesn't spend any time being angry or thinking in ways that justify anger. Not throughout the whole movie. Even when the kids won't let him sit with them on the bus. I just got that. Even when his mother is dying. He says: "Mama, why'd this happen." She says, "Oh, it's just my time, Forrest."
Or something similar.
I will watch that movie tonight. (I am all wrapped up in how I think about anger now, because of IC's response. This is my second read before posting. I am seeing everything now in relation to my anger. To that choice I am making, like a little dictator, myself.)
I am always trying to figure out what happened and how it all goes together and why it happened as it did. I need to say: "You got shot, Bubba."
Do the next right thing.
That is freedom.
That is not taking blame and not laying blame. That maybe, is the true harm in what happened to us, and is the thing we can not see, now. That dynamic of needing to blame. Maybe that is what we need to look at. How that dynamic is the twisted thing in our FOO, and is the thing we need to drop, and leave, and let go of.
That need to cleanse ourselves. Maybe that whole line of thinking is the wrongness at the heart of things.
It is not my "job" to hold them responsible. Depending on your beliefs, the Creator or Karma or Life will hold them responsible. I can let go of that part.
So, this is a way to understand how not to judge. For me, to understand what happened, to have a look at it through my own eyes instead of through their self-justifying eyes, makes it ~ requires a judgment call. If they were wrong because they did this to me, then what happened to all of us did not happen because I am some defective person, some fraudulent person they (she) had a right to kick or hurt or to hurt those I was supposed to protect right in front of me (or when I was at school), turning me into a coward in my own eyes.
![Mad :919Mad: :919Mad:](/community/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/Graemlins/919Mad.gif)
So, I am still in process, then.
Because beneath the anger, if I were honest, is deep, deep pain. This is true. I have posted before about making my sibs not real. Poor things. When I do bring them back, all I am is mad at them because of what they cost me. Because of what it cost me to love them.
Or something.
You are right, IC. Life wasn't fair. In those ways, life was not fair.
"You got shot, Bubba."
Now, do the next right thing.
The nature of the mental barrier, to me, is simply this: I will protect myself and my own from harm.
Therefore, distance as necessary, including "no contact" if that is the only distance that works. Anger, I can let go of. They have a right to be angry also. Life wasn't fair. But I am not required to be at the receiving end of their anger, just as I have no right to direct my anger at them.
I don't remember where I heard this quote, but someone said once "It's not worth being angry unless it will make a difference." And for FOO? It's not going to change a single thing.
I will protect myself and my own from harm.
Yes. This is an eyes open way to see it. I think I pretended or believed or held faith with or some other way to justify not seeing the intention to do harm that did exist. This figures in to my posts about my family seemingly intensifying their attacks when the family D H and I created became so dark and troubled. It was not that they had changed.
I had.
I was vulnerable, and so, the things they always did ~ it surprises me now that they betrayed my belief in them and in myself. But if I had never been vulnerable, the things they routinely do would not have mattered.
Without the core of shame, none of it would have happened as it did ~ I would not have defined their betrayals as anything that mattered, anymore than I ever had. So in a way, what I am angry about now is not them.
Now I have to go back and read the part about anger being useless unless it changes something.
I loved that.
"It's not worth being angry unless it will make a difference."
I think I am mostly angry when I go through FOO issues because I am so afraid. I think that it is the energy of anger that enables me to break through denial; not that we break through and then, become angry.
But that when we are angry, we are breaking through. We think it is one thing, but maybe, it is something else that is happening to and for us.
I love this quote. It has to do with the real nature of the thing we label anger. And therefore, see as a wrongness, as our having failed, somehow.
So what is anger.
What is that energy, really.
We have been taught it is wrong. But we have established that our FOO teach with prejudice, like a tyrant does, too.
They have a right to be angry also. Life wasn't fair. But I am not required to be at the receiving end of their anger, just as I have no right to direct my anger at them.
I am thinking about this.
I am very angry at them, right now.
So maybe, I am afraid.
I am not required to be at the receiving end of their anger....
just as I have no right to direct my anger at them
You are more ethical than me, IC. Just for today, you are. :O) But I will work on that thinking about anger, and about being imprisoned in it, and about what it is I am afraid of, were I to let my right to be angry about what they've I am still blaming, then.
I am still saying, "You had no right."
Part of healing.
Sacred ground.
But one day, I will be in that place where you are, where I ~ I don't know. Where anger just is a thing that is real. Too. A thing that is a real thing, too.
Anger, I can let go of. They have a right to be angry also. Life wasn't fair.
This part I get.
This is a way to see how to see, from the center.
Internal locus of control, then.
Thank you.
"It's not worth being angry unless it will make a difference." And for FOO? It's not going to change a single thing.
It's not going to change a single thing.
Yes, this is true too, IC.
I can see that this would be so, but I am not there yet.
I am still "laying there and relishing my abandon" like in the Tom Petty song about the refugee.
I must need to blame them for a little while longer. ("I must need to blame them for what they've done those feckless, pointless, worthless, useless, rotten criminal elements!!!" hisses the hidden Cedar, elevating herself through her anger.
Oh, brother.
Lots to think about.
Thank you for responding as you did, IC. You post using so few words, but somehow, they are the right words.