Writing out seemed to work more than talking it out.
I think in writing it out, we are able more sincerely to define the wound. So, if we have courage and are determined and if we have good witness, we are able more precisely to heal it. We were able to sit with the feelings, knowing we had one another, here.
Remember when we would post about holding the light as one or another of us came through the forest.
And then, to go deeper, healing further. Because we are here together (all of us ~ those who are posting and those reading along), each of us interpreting and considering purpose and meaning and value, there is for us the true comfort of human connection and unified purpose and hope.
And even, belief.
This is so different than any of us had, in our families of origin. To heal, to come whole, to hold ourselves and one another in compassion, seems so natural a thing, here.
So that is what we do and it is working.
How cool is that?
I wish those reading instead of posting would post in to us too, sometimes. Maybe, they are healing, are coming whole in ways new to them, too.
If we can avoid triangulation (which we have done, pretty nicely) then there is no one to please, no authority figure to tailor the story for, and so, we kept ourselves and one another honest and focused, and that mattered, too.
That was necessary at the beginning, remember? When we did not know this would work, but we came at it sincerely anyway.
We've done well.
You guys. Who else would have held faith with me when I put our mothers into an imaginary motorcycle bag with exquisitely worked needlepoint that said nasty words?!?
That is the Scotch, served before the fire in the library.
I have never tasted it.
But I read about it.
They say it smells like the bottom of a mash bucket.
It DOES mean that... they are also damaged. And damaged people often look for ways to hide the damage, because it's often too costly (in re-living trauma etc.) to fix the damage.
This is my question, IC. When our families of origin seem determined (especially so if we allow vulnerability) to hurt us ~ to destroy our reputations, to shame us through the words they say behind our backs ~ even and maybe, especially, to other family members, as Serenity's sister has done where the cousins are concerned and as I am certain my sister will have done, too ~ when they stalk and seek out and hurt our children, like
my own sister did (!) ~ where is that line between excusing them (and ourselves, sometimes) and holding them responsible for what they do and have done.
Here is a secret, you guys.
D H is right.
As I let go of being angry about what's happened, I am beginning to lose the seriousness of the consequences to me and my immediate family that comes from having anything to do with my family of origin.
So this is a good question for me right now.
Serenity, I think you went through this phase, too. Your conclusion was that you refused to sacrifice anything about your happy, balanced life to include them, again. Perhaps that is where I will come to, too. Maybe, what I need to do is concentrate on how crummy it is that I don't have that extended family I want, and on how crummy it is that my children don't have extended family, either.
It would be fun to have a huge clan, and family reunions with hundreds of people. I have friends whose families do that every few years. Whoa I am so jealous and wonder what that must be like.
Another huge loss for (another ~ chalk one up for them) pointlessly ugly win.
Here is something I read this morning:
I never knew how strong I was until I had to forgive someone who wasn't sorry and accept an apology I never received.
David Avocado Wolfe
So this observation you've made IC, has to do with that way I always saw my mom and my sibs (as people who would do better if they knew better) and whether that was a more right way to understand what happened to all of us than the way I understand them, now. It has to do with Copa's way of seeing her sister and loving her still, and of whether I need to see mine that same way. (But I don't really want to. I am still so surprised that she meant to do what she did. She meant it! Then I become confused, because who knows why any of us do what we do and etc) Especially since we have traced the damage ~ the actual damage ~ these people do for wins that have no meaning...I see them now as wicked things, as evil minions.
So I suppose that is wrong.
But seeing them with compassion, believing in pacts to create family where the only guy who wasn't erecting defense was me (!roar!) that didn't work, either.
But I think I used to believe as you do, IC. I did not mind it until they intentionally hurt my child.
And after that it becomes...what. That is why I am asking for clarification on how you see the...what is the nature of the mental barrier you must erect between your true self and anything to do with any of them. Because compassion lets them in and once they are in, they do take advantage. Like thieves really, taking trinkets of little value when they are welcome, are part of the creation of all of it because for them, the win is in the stealing it from you.
I don't feel a sense of judgement in your evaluation of your situation.
Maybe I will get there.
I am still so mad, no matter what I post about being through this angry part.
Maybe I will go from someone who was never angry to someone who is never not angry.
And I am angry because I don't have what I wanted.
Our children will pick up on our interpretations of our sibs and even, our parents.
Or maybe I've answered my own question.
Or maybe there is no question.
Maybe we are all just doing the best we know, and the best I know now is to leave them where they lie (where they tell lies) and just be mad all the time.
Or it could be like D H says. And I only fool myself into believing I have any choice to make in any of this, at all. That it is an end game ~ like when a totalitarian government comes to power. The upper echelon gets smaller as, one after another, the henchmen are assassinated. Until whoever is left holds absolute power over the countless minions, broken in the beginning.
Or exiled, like us.
Because of course, we did leave them first, by refusing to ridicule or victimize. Think about it, everyone. That is why we are shunned, now. They literally do not know what to do about us.
We are not weak enough to destroy and we are too strong to leave alive
and we know, and have always known, who they are.
So I will be my own Republic, then.
Okay. So, that makes sense, you guys. We are the only ones who can declare the meaning and value of our independence. How we got here matters less than who we will choose and decide and declare ourselves to be. I was going to make a joke about a flag of needlepoint and bad words. But why would I dirty my Republic in that way?
Those words, that needlepoint ~ that is only how I got here.
My flag, and all of yours too, will be of brilliant silk, of course.
When chopping onions....
Let me win. If I cannot win, let me be brave.