Super insane day. First and foremost I worked with the most human and understanding person today and I am blesssed for that. Simply because it was a

Son left rehab. There was a struggle and challenge that was blown to mammoth proportions by both detox staff and my son. They both own their part.
Son was indeed sick, is on antibiotics. Is also acting out like a person in detox will.
He was given a discharge shot for Spitting into the garbage. He is coughing up wads of stuff as pot and cig smoking addicts will do. He said the staff were unreasonable and harsh with him and that he was sick and could not make it to the toilet on another floor to spit. Well ok ther is his story, and their story and somewhere in between lies the truth. All said and done I can not go back on my word.
He took his little suitcase and stumbled our onto the ugly street of his surrounding city. He called me again in tears I again told him work it out call me with a plan or I can’t hwlp you. I am not leaving work, I am not picking you up and I am not letting you come home.
He called his rehab intake coordinator (keep in mind he is detoxing) and hat went very badly he trashed me and the detox and she ended the conversation with him and called me.
She indicated that in his present state he would not be welcome into the program. That he needed to find a secure monitored place to stay until rehab and she agreed this was not at home.
He called and said he was going to the local hospital with an addiction program in hopes of finding a bed. Had no money an not way to get there. I did Uber him (it was $11). He sat for hours only to find they had no beds open. He broke down and called me again. Said he was starving and by this time he had not eaten since breakfast. I said I would meet him and get him some food. I had not idea what I would do.
I got a text from Wyatt his drug buddy who is now clean and sober. He said he was willing to try to find a place for Evan to stay.
I picked up Evan and honestly I New my son was a drug addict and thin but until I picked him up from the active inner city ER and saw just how much he fit in with all the other addicts milking about I was truly fooling myself.
When I caught sight of his hyperactive frail coughing Frame I fell on a very deep emotional hole. I could not move I could not breathe. My only thought was if this boy does not get clean he is going to die.
The empathy on the ER staffs face said it all and humiliated me all at the same time. I collected him and we went to the car. He immediately begged to come home and all the usual histrionic babble followed.
I had arranged to meet with his pal Wyatt, I told E we would not discuss anything I had gotten a bagel and a tea at the hospital kiosk for him to eat. I said eat and we will talk after.
He didn’t notice where we were until almost to meet his friend. I met his friend at his place of work. Oddly E was surprised and relieved all at the same time.
When Wyatt entered the car I began my interventional talk. For the first time it was not derailed. The intervention went very very well.
We talked about accountability, consequences and tolerance. I told E he could simply not come home and if he could not find a place to reside I would hav to take him to the nearest police station.
Wyatt tried his best to find a safe and restrictive haven for E. none where available. He finally reached out to the head of his sober living home and employed her to help out he even offered his floor in his room if needed.
There was a home discussion and vote and they were willing to take Evan in as a monitored pre rehab admission. He could not stay with his friend he would have to share a room with another 65 year old resident they didn’t have a spare bed at the time. He had to come with a current drug screen. I was a bit stressed as I have never been able to get a drug screen kit at a local pharmacy in my town. Wyatt informed me that the local Walmart pharmacy did have them.
So we go to Walmart get a drug test, blow up mattress, hair brush. I love this Wyatt my kid migrated to the most expensive of each and Wyatt put them back and said oh look this one will do and it’s cheaper.
In the check out line I handed my son the drug screen kit, he said “what here now?” I said 100% I gave him a small bag to conceal the sample. I then took the sample into the ladies and tested it. No surprise to anyone still positive for cocain and THC. The THC will take a while but sober living slash temporary Detox want all other drugs free or they will turf him.
I loved his ya bit no but ya but no act by the Walmart exit regarding the positive cocaine test. Wyatt gave him a big hug said thanks for coming lean E because the only person you lie to is yourself.
He had many horrible moments of shame and blame, could be manipulation, could be reality not mine to judge at the moment.
He went to the home in a super rough area of town. All sorts of street walkers in a vast array of inappropriate dress. Good! It’s not supposed to be comfortable at all?
He is being given a temporary NA sponsor and he is not to leave the home without Wyatt, the sponsor or myself.
I have to go each evening to drug test him (as the home is a private sober living they don’t have staff to drug test).
I can not believe what a blessing this young man has been to my son. E clearly has horseshoes you know where.
I cautioned Wyatt not to make E his personal responsibility. E is responsible for his own actions and Wyatt provided him a Hail Mary already. The rest is up to E.
He also told E no contact with the girl. He knows her and does not think she is good for E and she does indeed do harder drugs. Yay for her that she can manage to work, go to school and have an 80% average. When she pointed that out in a fit of anger at me I Simply asked how does that compare to where E is at? Failing grade 12 the second time around and a life in shambles. Clearly my concern is my son and not girlfriend!
So he is in a very rough part of town and is sleeping on a floor. Let’s see how much he really wants to stay out of jail and go to rehab. It’s going to be a long 5 days.
Rehab will have a confenece with us tomorrow for an update. They made it very clear that Evan could not come back to our home. Too close to enabler girlfriend.
I have never met this young man Wyatt and rightly so, he was one of my sons drug buddies. Wyatt did an incredible job of calming my E down and presenting again the options that are available.
Well let’s see how he does with his current situation. One day at a Time!!