And it is so hard for me to truly believe this stupidity as an actual addiction. I would also like to say sorry for being so self absorbed. I read your story and truly commend you for your strength to endure your own situation and yet have the ability to help me with this craziness! Thank you
DM, you are not self absorbed, you are hurting, a mom in pain. Please do not apologize, that is why we are here, we are each going through our own battles.
Responding and posting here, helps me to work through my own challenges. It reinforces the course I need to take, and really helps me get out the feelings that I can choke on if I try to stuff it down.
Thank you for letting me "talk" with you!
Everyone has their own way and time to work through and grieve over what has happened to our kids.
It is a journey. But, it is not
the end of the story.
It may help you to work through your feelings by seeing a counselor. I did, because I was in such a state of shock, I felt like I was whacked upside my head.
Posting here helps me a lot, because it helps me think things through when I write.
You are not self absorbed. Stop being so mean to yourself.
This is hard stuff to deal with.
No one would see this coming.
The rug has been pulled out from under your feet.
This stuff hurts us to the core.
Our own kids ripping us off, who would have thought of that?
GN is correct, shopping addiction is real, just as gambling addiction, food addiction, drug addiction. We can't fathom it, because we wouldn't foresee ourselves with something like this.
You have value and you matter.
You are not self absorbed, you have feelings.
It hurts when one of our own does this kind of thing,
it feels like such a betrayal.
What I can tell you is what your daughter did,
was not an attack on you.
It feels like it, but it wasn't.
Again, I am not trying to excuse her actions, it is still unacceptable and she needs to recompense.
She needs to pay back every cent of it.
I hope she will, and I hope she has learned a valuable lesson.
Only time, and her actions will tell.
Keep posting DM and work through this.
The good warrior Moms and Dads here will help you.
You are going to be okay,
I just know it.