OUCH! Copa, a quick note before I go off to coach.
I have to say that my first reaction is that I am mad about this, for you, and for me too.
I was thinking this morning that I would try to get in touch with Rain, for the connection.
After reading a few posts, I had to rethink.
I am a coward. I think of all of the things we have gone through, the lying, stealing, the swirley whirley.
I have said to myself that my two will come to me when they do, and deal with it at that.
I pray.
Then I think "Is there something I can do to forge a connection?"
Then this.
Your post.
The yo-yoing.
The hope, despair and let down.
You are a strong, amazing, kind, intelligent, giving woman.
Is there some way to do this without
feeling it so much?
I don't know.
I don't know Copa.
They are our kids, grown up, but not adulting very well at all.
Finding their way, and it will be their way, their time, choice, consequence.
Is there a way to stay connected and close without having to go through all of the yo-yoing right along with them?
Do they even know how many times our hearts have been shred into tiny little pieces, the effort it takes to sew it back together?
"I'm depressed"
So, he goes to the movies.
You offer a place to stay.
Happy now.
Hope for you.
Not coming.
Status quo.
It's like the depression shifted over to you.
His loving kind hearted mother.
Just Ugh!
I'm sorry Copa, but it makes me mad.

I hope I haven't offended you.
But I am still mad.